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UNIT 2 NOTES: Cardiac Conduction System

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1 UNIT 2 NOTES: Cardiac Conduction System

2 (1) Conduction System of Heart
Conduction System = Heart Beat & Pumping Cardiac Contractions = Unconscious Autonomic Nervous System  decrease or increase heart rate depending on circumstance

3 (2) Depolarization Path of the Heart
Describes the path the nerve impulses travel to make the heart contract and pump blood. The Path: SA Node  AV Node Atria Contract (Delay)  AV Bundle Ventricles Contract (Blood ejected out of arteries, leaving heart)

4 (3) Nodes & Bundles Sinoatrial Node (SA Node)
Right atrium Starts each heart beat & sets rate “Pacemaker” Atrioventricular Node (AV Node) = Left atrium AV Bundle = Bundle Branches (along septum) Purkinje Fibers (along entire muscular wall of heart)


6 (4) Cardiac Cycle Phase 1- Diastole (Relaxation)
Blood passively filling atria. All valves exiting ventricles closed. Phase 2-Systole (Contraction) Ventricles contract and blood ejected out of heart. All AV valves must be closed.


8 (5) Diastole Details Ventricles relax 2. Semilunar valves closed
3. Ventricular Presure < Atrial Pressure AV valves open Ventricles fill with blood 4. Atria contract and force blood remaining in chambers into ventricles


10 (6) Systole Details Pressure increases in ventricles AV valves close
Filled with blood AV valves close 3. Pressure in ventricles > Arteries leaving heart Semilunar valves open Blood rushes out of ventricles 4. Atria are relaxed and begin to fill back up


12 (7) Cardiac Conduction Summary
Diastole: Semilunar valves are closed. AV valves are open. Blood passively pouring into atria, and down into ventricles. Only slight contraction of atria at the end to empty atria. AV valves swing shut when ventricles full. Systole: AV valves are closed. Ventricles contract and pump/eject blood out of heart. Blood exits out Semilunar Valves (which must open). Semilunar Valves close back up at end, and AV valves open back up.

13 (8) Heart Beat You hear something like “lub” “dup”
“lub” = closing of AV valves During ventricular systole “dup” = closing of semilunar valves During early diastole You should NOT hear blood flow You’ll hear it if flow is interrupted by blockage

14 (9) Starling’s Law Starling’s Law of the Heart:
Degree of cardiac muscle extension before contraction Increase Extension = Stronger Contraction Degree of Extension  result of percent filling of ventricles

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