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Warm Up – February 26 Answer the following questions on a post it:

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1 Warm Up – February 26 Answer the following questions on a post it:
1. Based on your research so far, what are the stances of the two major political parties on the following issues: gun control, immigration and taxes? 2. If the biggest impact a third party has in major elections is to take votes away from either Republicans or Democrats, what strategy could a third party use in order to actually get their candidates elected into offices?

2 Unit 3: Political parties
Advantages and Disadvantages of Two Party Politics and Third Parties

3 Two Party System Advantages:
Each party offers ideas and policies that are near the center of public opinion Neither party wants to offer policies that might be considered too extreme Disadvantages: Only have two parties to Choose from

4 Third Parties Third Parties – political parties that are not the Democratic or Republican Party – that offer alternate candidates, ideas and solutions outside of the two major political parties Ex. Theodore “Teddy Roosevelt” and the Progressive Party in 1912 Ex. Ross Perot and the Reform Party in 1992 The Populist Party in the late 1800s was influential in passing laws that instituted 8-hour works days, a graduated income tax, immigration reform, putting more power in the hands of voters with the direct election of senators

5 Third Party Reading Go to today’s date on my website and download the reading “Third Parties Win By Becoming Second Parties” Article. Answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: 1. Even though Democrats and Republicans are losing their power and relevance, what do they both still have a hold on? What are most voters and activists remain convinced about? 2. Why has the Working Families Party been successful where other third parties have failed? 3. Why do third parties fail in our political system? 4. What four things can a third party do in order to displace one of the two major parties to become second? 5. What four traps must a third party avoid in order to achieve its goals?

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