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Intensive/Extensive Properites Endothermic/Exothermic

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Presentation on theme: "Intensive/Extensive Properites Endothermic/Exothermic"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intensive/Extensive Properites Endothermic/Exothermic

2 Types of Properties Extensive- depend on the amount of matter
Ex: volume, mass, amount of energy Intensive- do not depend on the amount of matter Ex: density, boiling point, ability to conduct

3 Chemical Changes in Matter
a change in which a substance is converted into a different substance same as chemical reaction doesn’t change the amount of matter present reactants- substances that react products- substances that form

4 Energy Changes in Matter
Exothermic Reaction- reaction that gives off energy (feels warm on outside) Endothermic Reaction- reaction that uses up energy (feels cold on outside)

5 Separation Techniques
Filtration- solid part is trapped by filter paper and the liquid part runs through the paper Vaporization- where the liquid portion is evaporated off to leave solid

6 Separation Techniques
Decanting- when liquid is poured off after solid has settled to bottom Centrifuge- machine that spins a sample very quickly so that components with different densities will separate

7 Separation Techniques
Paper Chromatography- used to separate mixtures because different parts move quicker on paper than other

8 1.3 Elements

9 Elements elements are pure substances
organized by properties on periodic table each square shows the name and letter symbol for each element usually the symbols relate to the English names but some come from older names (usually Latin) Ex: gold’s symbol is Au from aurum Ex: iron’s symbol is Fe from ferrum

10 Periodic Table Groups Periods also called families vertical columns
numbered 118 have similar chemical properties Periods horizontal rows properties changes consistently across a period

11 Periodic Table

12 Periodic Table two rows below the periodic table are the lanthanide and actinide series these rows fit after #57 and #89 they are only at the bottom to keep the width of the chart smaller

13 Types of Elements Metals
an element that is a good conductor of electricity at room temperature, most are solids malleable- can be rolled or hammered into sheets ductile- can be made into wire high tensile strength- can resist breakage when pulled most have silvery or grayish white luster

14 Types of Elements Nonmetals
an element that is a poor conductor of heat and electricity many are gases at room temperature some are solids: usually brittle, not malleable

15 Types of Elements Metalloids
an element that has some characteristics of metals and nonmetals appear along staricase line B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te all are solids at room temperature less malleable that metals but less brittle than nonmetals are semiconductors

16 Types of Elements Noble Gases generally unreactive gases
in far right column of periodic table

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