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Presentation on theme: "PUSHING BACK THE AXIS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Strategic Bombing Casablanca Conference Bombing
Increased Bombing of Germany Attack Italy Through Sicily Bombing From 3,800 tons/month to 53,000 tons/month Created Oil Shortage Wrecked Railroad System Destroyed Aircraft Factories

3 Striking the Soft Underbelly
Commanded by Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton July 10, 1943 Allies controlled Sicily by August 18 King if Italy decided to get rid of Mussolini Had him arrested Began negotiating peace with the allies Germans seized control of Northern Italy Reinstated Mussolini Bloody fighting continued in Italy More than 300,000 casualties

4 The Tehran Conference U.S., Great Britain, and the Soviet Union
Created a plan for invading France Agreed to divide up Germany after the war Russia promised to help defeat Japan Stalin accepted the proposal of an international peace- keeping organization

5 Operation Overlord Invasion of France
5 beaches along the Normandy Coast Invasion required the perfect conditions D-Day

6 The Longest Day 7,000 ships, 100,000 troops, 23,000 paratroopers
Invasion began at Dawn “Omaha” Beach Largest amphibious operation in history Considered a success despite casualties

7 Island Hopping in Japan
2-pronged attack Admiral Nimitz and General McArthur Capturing islands proved difficult New technologies were used to lower casualties Amphtracs Goal was to get closer to Japan in order to attack it more effectively

8 MacArthur and the Philippines
700 ships and 160,000 troops The Battle of Leyte Gulf Largest naval battle in history First time the Japanese used Kamikaze attacks Japanese retreated just in time to save the U.S. fleet Battle for the Philippines was long and grueling Took 5 months to capture Manila Didn’t officially take control of all of the Philippines until the war ended Over 80,000 U.S. soldiers died


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