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Answering MC and Grid In Questions

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Presentation on theme: "Answering MC and Grid In Questions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Answering MC and Grid In Questions

2 Tip 1 Read the answers FIRST
Eliminate any that are incorrect by principle or content understanding (bad science) Read question carefully after. Often this will eliminate two answers before even reading the question.

3 Tip 2 Write on the test Mark out any incorrect answers or make notes next to the questions. Circle key words, draw Punnett Squares, etc. This serves as a reference point when you come back to that question to refocus on the thought process you had.

4 Tip 3 If given a graph or data table, analyze it first!
What are they trying to show you? They won’t try and trick you with weird data.

5 Tip 4 NEVER NEVER NEVER leave a question blank!!
You are not penalized for incorrect answers. If you are running out of time, go back and make sure you at least have the circles filled in. Try to make your best guess when possible, but when you are out of time answer all one letter!

6 Tip 5 Try to answer the question before reading the answer choices if you do not like to read the answers first. Then when you already have an idea of what answer you would pick, look and see which is closest to the answer you thought of.

7 Tip 6 Watch out for reverse questions Except, not, etc.
These words will be in CAPS, but do not miss them.

8 Tip 7 Pay attention to any words that are bolded, italicized, caps or underlined. They are emphasized for a reason.

9 Tip 8 Budget your time wisely
You get a little over a minute (1.3 minutes) per question so do not waste too much time on one question. If you have spent a lot of time on a question move on and come back to it later. Wear a watch if possible!

10 Tip 9 Don’t second guess yourself unless…
You can prove why the answer you selected is wrong. You can prove why the answer you want to change to is correct.

11 Tip 10 Take as many practice exams as possible!
Time yourself to check your pace. See what content you need to review.

12 Grid in Tip 1 Glace through them all first and see if there are any that are easy to solve. They are worth the same as a MC question so do not waste too much time on any one problem.

13 Grid in Tip 2 Write on the test
Circle, underline, do math on the side, etc.

14 Grid in Tip 3 Use your formula sheet
Be familiar with the layout so you are not searching all over for something. Not all questions require the formula sheet, but some do like Hardy-Weinberg, population growth, etc.

15 Grid in Tip 4 Round correctly
Does the number ask for a fraction, whole number, decimal, etc. If it says round to the nearest tenth, round to the nearest tenth. Even if it is a whole number, write 5.0 instead of just 5

You need to have the bubble sheet filled out and filled out correctly to get points. It does not matter where on the sheet you start the number, as long as it fits in the boxes. If it is negative fill in the negative bubble and write the negative sign.

17 Grid in Tip 6 Questions with graphs or tables usually take less math and are quicker to answer. Usually asking you to get data from the graph or table. Maybe have to calculate a change over time (slope) or a percentage, something simple.

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