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2.3 The New England Colonies

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1 2.3 The New England Colonies
A. Seeking Religious Freedom 1. It was not easy for people to practice religion freely in Europe during the 1500s. a) Protestants and Roman Catholics fought constantly. 2. Most European rulers believed that they could not maintain order unless everyone followed the ruler’s religion. a) The religion chosen by the ruler was known as the established church. b) In England, the established church was the Anglican church or the Church of England. c) In England, people who did not follow the Church of England were persecuted, or punished.

2 2.3 The New England Colonies
3. One religious group in England that faced persecution were the people we now call the Pilgrims. a) They were known as Separatists because they wanted to separate from the Church of England. b) In the early 1600s, some pilgrims settled in Leyden, Netherlands because the Dutch allowed religious freedom. c) The pilgrims missed their English way of life. B. Plymouth Colony 1. A group of separatists decided to return to England. a) Along with several Englishmen who were not Separatists, they won a charter to set up a colony in the northern part of VA.

3 2.3 The New England Colonies
b) In Sept. of 1620, more than 100 men, women, and children set sail aboard a small ship called the Mayflower. 2. In November 1620, the Mayflower landed on the cold bleak shore of present day Cape Cod, MA. a) They called their new settlement Plymouth because they sailed from Plymouth, England. 3. Before going ashore, the Pilgrims realized they would not be settling within the boundaries of VA. a) Not everyone was a pilgrim. b) On Nov. 11, 1620, the 41 male passengers, both pilgrim and non-pilgrim – signed the Mayflower Compact. c) They agreed to enter into a “civil body politic” and to make laws for the general good of the colony. 4. The Mayflower Compact established an important tradition.

4 2.3 The New England Colonies
a) Governing through elected representatives. 5. The Pilgrims were the first of many immigrants who came to North America in search of religious freedom. a) That did not mean that they wanted to promote religious freedom within their own group. b) Established religions were set up in each English colony. 6. The Pilgrims set up an important precedent, or example, for others to follow in the future. C. Overcoming Hardships in Plymouth

5 2.3 The New England Colonies
1. The Pilgrims had arrived to late to plant any crops and they didn’t bring enough food. a) The harsh season was also difficult to survive because the Pilgrims did not build proper shelters. b) A good portion of the people stayed on board the Mayflower. c) Half the people died including the governor. d) William Bradford was chosen as the new governor and he helped the colony survive. 2. Despite the great suffering, the Pilgrims’ faith remained strong. a) In the spring, the Pilgrims began to clear the land and plant crops. b) They received help from the neighboring Native Americans.

6 2.3 The New England Colonies
c) A Pemaquid Indian, Samoset, had learned English from earlier sailing along the coast. d) The Pilgrims were introduced to Massasoit, chief of the local Wampanoags. 3. The Wampanoag who helped the Pilgrims the most was Squanto. a) Squanto was captured by John Smith during an expedition and spent some time in England, where he learned English. 4. Squanto brought the Pilgrims seeds of native plants – corn, beans, and pumpkins – and showed them how to plant them. a) He also taught the Pilgrims to catch eels from nearby rivers.

7 2.3 The New England Colonies
5. In the fall, the Pilgrims had a very good harvest. a) The Pilgrims celebrated a thanksgiving with the local Native Americans. b) Although celebrated every year, Thanksgiving didn’t become a National Holiday until 1941.

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