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Video Mendel and His Peas- Ted.Ed (Resources Page)

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1 Video Mendel and His Peas- Ted.Ed (Resources Page)

2 Genetics Vocab Genetics- the scientific study of heredity and hereditary variation. Gene- coded information in the form of hereditary units. Locus- A genes location along the length of a chromosome. Character- A heritable feature that varies among individuals (ex. Flower color) Trait- Each variant for a character (Ex. Purple flower or white flower)

3 Genetics Vocab Alleles- Alternative versions of a gene.
Dominant Allele- determines the organism’s appearance Recessive Allele- has no noticeable effect on the appearance Genotype- The genetic makeup of an organism. Phenotype- the organism’s appearance and observable traits.

4 Genetics Vocab Homozygous- having the same alleles for a character (True breeding is another word for this) Heterozygous- having two different alleles for a gene. Carrier- someone that is heterozygous for a trait that causes disease P generation- the true breeding generation in a test cross. F1 generation- the offspring of the P Generation. F2 generation- the offspring of the F1 generation

5 Example Problem with 1 Trait
In humans, brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. What is the probability that the offspring would have brown eyes if you crossed a heterozygous brown eyed person with a heterozygous brown eyed person?

6 Example Problem In humans, albinism is a recessive trait. If both parents are carriers for albinism (they have one allele for the trait but do not show it), what is the probability of their child being albino?

7 Example Problem with Two Traits
In summer squash, white fruit color (W) is dominant over yellow fruit color (w) and disk-shaped fruit (D) is dominant over sphere-shaped fruit (d). If a squash Heterozygous for white, disk shaped fruit is crossed with a plant true-breeding for yellow, sphere shaped fruit, what will the phenotypic ratios for the F1 generation?

8 Example Problem Suppose that black hair (B) is dominant over blonde hair (b) and brown eyes (E) are dominant over blue eyes (e). The father has black hair (heterozygous) and brown eyes (heterozygous) and the mother has blonde hair and blue eyes. What percent of the offspring will be totally heterozygous?

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