barriers e.g. background noise, distractions, lack of concentration

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1 barriers e.g. background noise, distractions, lack of concentration
A way to over come lack of concentration would be to add images animation or sound to a presentation Use appropriate methods to overcome background noise or change location Talk about back ground noise and lack of communication etc

2 Communicate in writing:
Identifying and conveying key messages in writing e.g. letter, fax, Capital letters can represent importance If a word or phase is repeated it can represent importance If a word or phase is highlighted it can so importance The writer may change the font or colour of text to show importance Images and smileys can also be used to show importance Explain how you have to look thru an to identify little things that signal importance egf what points do they mention first etc also font caps and images When reading a big group of text its sometimes hard to find the most important points Theese points should take priority

3 Using correct grammar and spelling; structuring writing into a logical framework
The Recruitment and Employment Commission (REC) says that around half of all CVs received by recruitment consultants contain spelling or grammatical errors! There are three main elements to written communication structure (the way the content is laid out) style (the way it is written) content (what you are writing about) GIVE OUT HAND OUTS whats the difference betwqeen the two cvs which would you rather read Structuring A good structure will help you to express yourself more clearly, whether in a dissertation, an essay, a job application letter or a CV. The following tactics may help you to structure your writing. Structure (the way the content is laid out) Is the layout clear and easy to follow? Do headings stand out (e.g. are they in a larger font size)? Is the information arranged in a logical sequence with a beginning (introduction), middle, and end (conclusion)? Does the introduction clearly state the subject and purpose? Does it briefly summarise the content? Deos it relaly maettr aubot the splleing or grmaamr, as lnog as you get the msesege?

4 Reviewing and proof reading own written work
Proof reading is to read back through your work and identify errors. Sub-editing Looks at structure: • organisation of material • presentation • paragraphing • sentence structure. Proofreading for errors • spelling, punctuation, grammar • typing mistakes • page numbers. Have you responded appropriately to the assignment requirements, the expected learning outcomes and all the assessment criteria? • Recheck and establish what each is (and its weighting in terms of marks). • Check that every requirement has been met. • Check exactly what was required. For example, if you were asked to consider two authors and refer to at least three theories, have you done so? Is your assignment within the word count? • Check that every recommendation has been considered. • Assess whether/what changes are needed. b Have you done what you set out to do? • Make sure the introduction and main text match. • Make sure the introduction and conclusion tally. c Is the content appropriate, accurate and cohesive? • Have you used appropriate, up-to-date resources? • Have you omitted any important issues, theories, models or research without explanation? d What is your argument, if there is one? You can even pay company's to proof read your work for you!

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