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Evolution of Law.

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1 Evolution of Law

2 Hammurabi’s Code Public Proclamation
The laws were written on a large stone and placed in the center of town for all to see. guilt and punishment is proclaimed. The code made law somewhat objective and less personal – therefore more stable and predictable.

3 Hammurabi’s Code Punishment Fit the Crime Principle of Retaliation
If any one steals the minor son of another, he shall be put to death Principle of Retaliation “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life.” If any one steal the minor son of another, he shall be put to death Social Status Punishments were determined by social class. If he knocks out the teeth of a freed man, he shall pay one-third of a gold mina.

4 Hammurabi’s Code Proper Performance of Work
If he be not able to replace the corn, then he and his possessions shall be divided among the farmers whose corn he has flooded Marriage and Family Relations If a woman quarrel with her husband, and say: "You are not congenial to me," the reasons for her prejudice must be presented. If she is guiltless, and there is no fault on her part, but he leaves and neglects her, then no guilt attaches to this woman, she shall take her dowry and go back to her father's house

5 Mosaic Law: 10 Commandments ( Hebrew Code of Law)
The Torah is composed of the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) God gave 613 commandments to Moses Law code based on responsibilities of the citizens and the threat of punishment Equality under the law

6 10 Commandments The code requires:
A child to be killed if he/she curses their parent All persons guilty of adultery to be killed The daughter of a priest who engages in prostitution to be burned alive until dead The bride of a priest to be a virgin Ritual killing of animals, using cattle, sheep and goats Observation of 7 feasts A person who takes the Lord's name in vain is to be killed Charging of interest on a loan

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