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Stress affecting learners.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress affecting learners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress affecting learners

2 Defining Stress Good Stress (Eustress) – Short bursts, Not Chronic
Bad Stress (Distress) – Feel threatened, Prolonged Stress

3 Causes of Distress (Perceived threats)
Do not see a solution to a problem Lack of resources to solving a problem Little or no control of circumstances Risks of circumstances are too great Repeated situations of prolonged stress

4 What happens in the brain?
The hormones cortisol and adrenaline are released which produces a temporary burst of energy. These can, in the right environment, heighten our perception…..HOWEVER……

5 Effects Loses ability to correctly interpret clues from environment
Reverts to familiar, tried-true behaviors Loses ability to index, store, and access information Becomes more automatic and limited in responses Loses some ability to perceive relationship patterns Becomes less able to use high order thinking Loses some long-term memory loss Tends to overreact to stimuli in a phobic-like way

6 Physical Dangers Chronic high levels of cortisol (hormone) cause physical changes in the brain Weakens the brain’s local memory/indexing system Narrows perceptual mapping Weakens the body’s immune system Kills brain cells in the hippocampus (memory formation)

7 Distressed Learners Always on alert In a defensive state of mind
In survival mode

8 What can we do? Encourage positive interactions with other students/teachers/mentors Give and rotate leadership roles Provide predictable/reliable events Provide a safe place were discussions about fears, worries and other causes of stress are encouraged Provide numerous opportunities for expression

9 In an environment where learners feel capable of overcoming a challenge (with support), stress can actually work in their favor.

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