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The Hero’s Journey Vocabulary

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1 The Hero’s Journey Vocabulary
Week of September 12-16, 2011

2 Alibi (N) an excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene
Buttress (v) strengthen; support Delineation (V) demarcation; explanation; definition; outlining Evacuate (V) to make everyone leave a place Idiosyncrasy (N) personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual

3 Libertarian (N) someone who
advocates individual responsibility Ominous (Adj) threatening Potent (Adj) powerful; compelling; strong Ruminate (V) think over something; ponder Transcribe (V) copy

4 Prefix: Circum means around
Circumference (N) distance around a circle Circumnavigate (V) go around something Circumstance (N) condition affecting the situation Circumlocution (N) an indirect way of saying something; indirect expression Circumspect (adj) prudent; taking all things into consideration before making a decision

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