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Prefixes - Roots - Suffixes

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Presentation on theme: "Prefixes - Roots - Suffixes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefixes - Roots - Suffixes
Group #6

2 Chron Time


4 LOG To Write

5 METER Measure

6 SYN Together

7 ISM The act or state or theory of

8 CIRCUM around

9 FER To Carry

10 LOC To Speak

11 LOGY Study of

12 NAV To sail

13 SCRIB To write

14 SPEC To Look

15 STA To Stand

16 IC Like Pertaining to

17 VEN To Come

18 ANACHRONISM Ana-Back Chron-Time Ism-state
Anachronism-State of being out of a proper historical time To include an iPad in a story set in 1920 would be an anachronism.

19 CHRONIC Chron-Time Ic-like or pertaining to
Chronic- continuing for a long time A chronic complainer, he was never happy with his situation.

20 CHRONICLE Chron-Time Chronicle-And account of events arranged in order of the time. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle gives an account of 12 centuries of British History.

21 CHRONOLOGICAL Chron-Time Log-To Write
Chronological-arranged in order of occurrence. The play dramatizes in chronological order the events that led to the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

22 CHRONOLOGY Chron-Time Logy-Study of
Chronology-A list of events arranged according to time of occurrence. He had memorized the chronology of the reigns of the English monarchs.

23 CHRONOMETER Chron-Time Meter-Measure
Chronometer-An instrument for measuring time precisely, especially in navigation. Before making an entry in the log, the captain consulted the cronometer.

24 SYNCHRONIZE SYN=together Chron=Time
Synchronize-to cause to operate (keep time) in unison. The sound track of the film was not snychronized with the picture.

25 CIRCUIT Circum-Around
Circuit-The regular journey around a territory by a person performing duties. When the circuit was interrupted, the lights went out.

26 CIRCUITOUS Circum-Around Circuitous-roundabout; winding.
Because she didn’t know the way, she took us by a rather circuitous route.

27 CIRCUMLOCUTION Circum-Around Loc-To Speak
Circumlocution-A roundabout way to say something without being direct Saying, “A number of other commitments will make it impossible for me to find the time to attend the meeting, would be a circumlocution for simply not wanting to attend.

28 CIRCUMNAVIGATE Circum-Around Nav-To sail Circumnavigate-to sail around
Magellan was the first person to circumnavigate the globe.

29 CIRCUMSCRIBE Circum-Around Scribe-to write
Circumscribe-to write a line around the bounds; to limit; to confine. The rules of the private school circumscribed the daily activities of the students.

30 CIRCUMFERENCE Circum-around Fer-carry
Circumference-lit-to carry around. Mod- the outer boundary line around a circular area. In our math class, we learned how to find the circumference of a circle.

31 CIRCUMSPECT Circum-Around Spect-To look
Circumspect-cautious; carefully look around, consider all consequences. She was circumspect in making suggestion to her temperamental boss.

32 CIRCUMSTANCE Circum-Around Sta-To stand
Circumstance-Something standing around; a fact or event accompanying another fact or event. Because of circumstances at home, I had to give up the trip I had planned.

33 CIRCUMVENT Circum-Around Vent-To Come
Circumvent-To come around; to get around or to overcome by artful maneuvering; to prevent. By offering a small wage increase, the management hoped to circumvent a walkout.

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