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Intended Benefit Unintended Consequence

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Presentation on theme: "Intended Benefit Unintended Consequence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intended Benefit Unintended Consequence

2 SPI 0607.T/E.3 What are ways to compare the intended benefits with unintended consequences of new technology?

3 Intended Benefit and Unintended Consequence
An intended benefit is the purpose or reason the technology was created.

4 Intended Benefit and Unintended Consequence
An unintended consequence is the result or uses that the engineer never expected the technology to do. Can be beneficial!

5 Intended Benefit and Unintended Consequence
iPad: Intended benefit: can connect to the internet anywhere that has WiFi Easy to transport

6 Intended Benefit and Unintended Consequence
iPad: Unintended consequence: Health issues Hacked Addicted to games

7 SPI 0607.T/E.3 I can determine the intended benefits and unintended consequences of new technology.

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