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1 Classification

2 How did classification begin?
Biologists want to better understand organisms so they organize them into groups based on similarities – classification. Taxonomy – the branch of biology that groups organisms based on different characteristics.

3 Aristotle’s system Two groups: Plants and Animals
Plants subdivided into shrubs, herbs, and trees. Animals subdivided into land, air, and water.

4 Linnaeus’s System In the 18th century, Linnaeus grouped organisms based on physical and structural similarities. His system is the basis of modern classification systems.

5 Binomial Nomenclature
A two-word naming system that identifies the genus and species of an organism. Genus – a group of similar species. Scientific names are Latin, italicized or underlined when written. The genus is capitalized and the species name is not.

6 Binomial Nomenclature cont.
Organisms may have many common names, but only have one scientific name that does not change.

7 Modern Taxonomy Biologists try to identify evolutionary relationships by comparing structures and chemical makeup. Classifications provides a framework for studying relationships between living and extinct species.

8 Modern Taxonomy cont. Classification allows organisms to be easily identified. A dichotomous key is used to identify organisms.

9 How are organisms classified?
Organisms are ranked starting in very broad categories down to very specific ones. Species Genus Family Order Class Phylum Kingdom Domain

10 Species - sapiens Genus - Homo Family - Hominidae Order - Primata Class - Mammalia Phylum - Chordata Kingdom - Anamaila Domain - Eukarya

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