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1 Tissues

2 Cells→tissues→organs→system→organism
Tissues: a group of cells working together to perform a specific function 4 major types: 1)epithelial 2) connective 3) muscle 4) nervous

3 Epithelial Structure Covers all body surfaces
Always has a free surface Reproduces frequently Tightly packed Lack Blood vessels Function Protection Secretion Absorption Excretion Sensory perception

4 Types of Epithelium Simple Squamous:
Thin, flat cells that fit tightly together Ex: capillaries, air sacs in the lung Thin for diffusion

5 Types of Epithelium Simple Cuboidal:
Single layer of cube- shaped cells Ex: covering of the ovaries and lines the ducts of glands

6 Types of Epithelium Simple Columnar:
Elongated cells making up a single layer; contain goblet cells Ex: lining of stomach and intestines Long and skinny for absorption

7 Types of Epithelium Pseudostratified Columnar:
Appear to be layered, but they are not; commonly possess cilia and goblet cells Ex: lining of respiratory airways and tubes of reproductive system of female

8 Types of Epithelium Stratified Squamous:
Many layers of cells; continually reproducing to replace those that are lost Ex: outer layers of skin, mouth, throat protection

9 Types of Epithelium Transitional:
Specialized to undergo changes in response to increased tension Ex: lining of bladder and urinary system-provides expandable lining

10 Connective Tissue Structure: Function:
Most abundant type of tissue(by weight) Contains intercellular material called matrix Function: Binding structures together; support; storing fat; protection Cells that make up connective tissue: 1-fibroblasts-make fibers 2-mast cells-release heparin and histamine 3-macrophage-gobble stuff

11 Types of Connective Tissue
Adipose: Stores fat within the cytoplasm of the cell; protects and cushions joints and organs; insulates Ex: under skin; around heart and other organs

12 Types of Connective Tissue
Fibrous Connective: Made of closely packed fibers that bind body parts together Ex: tendons & ligaments

13 Types of Connective Tissue
Cartilage: Rigid tissue that provides framework, protects, and forms models for developing bones; chondrocytes Ex: ears, nose, and ends of bones

14 Types of Connective Tissue
Bone: Very rigid tissue that serves as an internal support for body structure; matrix is made of Calcium/Phosphorus Ex: femur, skull, patella

15 Types of Connective Tissue
Blood: Liquid connective tissue that serves to transport substances through the body Ex: ummm…blood

16 Muscle Tissue Structure: Function: Contractile
Made of elongated cells called muscle fibers When relaxed, long and thin, when contracted, short and fat Function: Provide for movement, posture, body heat, peristalsis(smooth muscle contraction), and heart beat


18 Types of Muscle Tissue Skeletal:
Muscles that are attached to bones; controlled by conscious effort; contain striations(stripes) Ex: biceps, triceps, trapezius

19 Types of Muscle Tissue Smooth:
Muscles found in the walls of internal organs(stomach, intestines) and walls of blood vessels Lack striations involuntary

20 Types of Muscle Tissue Cardiac: Found only in heart
Dark, intermittent bars called intercalated discs involuntary

21 Nervous Tissue Structure: Function: Nerve cells are called neurons
Neuroglial cells bind and support neurons Neurons do not undergo mitosis Ex: sense organs, brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves Function: Transmit nervous impulses

22 Neurons cannot be replaced….
Wear your seatbelt/helmet and be careful what you put into your body

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