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Human-Environment Interaction

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1 Human-Environment Interaction
Brady Dunigan & ZAC RODENBERG #32

2 Hunting Hunting affects the environment by keeping the animal population at the right level. If we hunt too much, then an animal might go extinct so we can’t always hunt.

3 Warfare It affects the environment because when we bomb places, it could take out any habitats. And NUKES!!!! They kill people. WORLD PEACE!!!!!

4 Burning Fossil Fuels Burning fossil fuels can cause pollution in the environment and we will waste them and they will be gone. Find new ways to replace these fossil fuels.

5 Mining Mining can cause collapses that can trap people (Chile) and destroy habitats and ecosystems. Find new ways to find resources or new energy sources.

6 Clearing Land Clearing land can cause habitats to be destroyed and trees to be cut down. We can stop clearing land or we can clear the land and rebuild habitats and plant new trees.

7 Dams Dams can cause important waterways to stop and if farmers rely on that , it will cause their crops to rot. Try to stop dams and relocate animals to not as important waterways.

8 Recycling It helps prevent pollution and it cleans up the earth.
If we keep doing recycling, then we will save some of the important resources.

9 Oil spills Oil spills can affect life in the water and may cause some animals to become extinct and it hurts the economy and fishing. Find new resources for energy.

10 Making Roads Making roads can destroy habitats and wastes resources.
Travel on dirt or rocks or just walk

11 Wasting/Leaving on Water
Over use of water can cause economy to go down and can sometimes take away water from animals. If you turn off the water when you don’t need it or just don’t use it, you can save water.

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