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A Growing Economy 5-2.

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1 A Growing Economy 5-2

2 The LP’s wanted to make $$$ off of the colonists that settled in Carolina, but the colonists needed to make $$$ too. It took over 20 years to find a successful crop. They tried sugar cane, grapes, cotton, tobacco, lemons, figs, oranges, and olives without success. It took a combination of economic ventures to keep settlers coming to Carolina.

3 Building an Economy 1. trading with the Indians
deerskins & furs for beads, trinkets, guns, and alcohol. 2. enslaving the Indians this ruined the relationship between the Indians and Colonists 3. raising cattle Caribbean islands needed beef and pork African slaves were experienced herdsmen and horsemen the first “cowboys” were African slaves

4 Building an Economy A 3rd economic venture: Lumber:
African Slaves were knowledgeable- Naval Stores, shingles, barrel staves for barrels and buckets, hardwood for furniture.

5 Building an Economy The African Slaves were valuable in the Carolina economy from the beginning. The knowledge of the African Slaves led to the cultivation of rice. Rice was the staple crop that would lead to long term prosperity for Carolina. When Rice was King Rice Plantations in SC

6 The Colony Grows Between 1685 - 1695
French Huguenots sailed to Carolina looking for religious and economic freedom. Business knowledge Skilled craftsmen Political and economic leaders Swiss, German, Scotch-Irish, and Jewish settlers Headright promise

7 The Colony Grows Africans largest group
West Coast of Africa to the West Indies Unloaded on Sullivan’s Island and taken to Charles Town then sold to the highest bidder Made many Europeans rich Few spoke English They brought many things to Carolina Made baskets - cultivating and harvesting rice, storing and serving food Music Dance Wood carving Folk medicine Religions and languages influenced the way other Carolinians worshipped and spoke

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