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The Digestive System.

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1 The Digestive System

2 objective SC.912.L Describe the physiology of the digestive system, including mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption and the neural and hormonal mechanisms of control.


4 6 functions Ingestion Mechanical Processing Digestion Secretion
Absorption Excretion

5 ingestion Materials enter via the mouth

6 mechanical processing
Crushing and shearing of materials makes it easier to propel along digestive tract

7 digestion Chemical breakdown of foods

8 secretion Release of water, acids, enzymes, buffers, and salts

9 absorption Movement of organic substrates, electrolytes, vitamins, and water

10 excretion Removal of waste products from body fluids


12 Alimentary canal Muscular tube Extends from mouth to anus 1-way tract
pharynx esophagus stomach small intestine large intestine anus


14 Oral cavity Sensory analysis Mechanical processing Lubrication
of material before swallowing Mechanical processing teeth, tongue, palatal surfaces Lubrication saliva, mucus Digestion carbohydrates, lipids

15 pharynx A common passageway for solid foods, liquid, and air

16 esophagus A hollow, muscular tube
~25 cm long, 2 cm wide Conveys solid foods and liquids to the stomach

17 peristalsis Wave-like contractions that move food along the digestive tract

18 stomach 4 functions: store ingested food
mechanical breakdown of ingested food acids/enzymes disrupt chemical bonds in food production of intrinsic factor glycoprotein required for absorption of B12

19 regions of stomach Cardia Fundus Body Pylorus

20 Digestion in the stomach
Pepsin aids in preliminary digestion of proteins Salivary amylase digests carbohydrates Lingual lipase digests lipids pH ~2.0

21 small intestine Where 90% of absorption occurs 3 segments:
microvilli increase surface area 3 segments: duodenum jejunum Ileum

22 Duodenum ~25 cm long “Mixing bowl” receives: chyme from stomach
digestive secretions from pancreas and liver

23 jejunum Middle segment ~2.5 m long Location of most:
chemical digestion nutrient absorption

24 ileum Final segment ~3.5 m long

25 large intestine Has a larger diameter than the small intestine
4 main segments: ascending colon transverse colon descending colon sigmoid colon

26 large intestine Functions: reabsorbs water
compaction of intestinal contents into feces loaded with bacteria feed on indigestible carbohydrates produce flatus

27 rectum Last 15 cm of digestive tract
An expandable organ for temporary storage of feces Anal canal last portion of rectum ends in the anus

28 accessory organs Pancreas Liver Gall Bladder
secrete insulin & glucagon into the bloodstream secrete digestive enzymes Liver secretes bile aids in the digestion of lipids Gall Bladder stores bile

29 aging Smooth muscle tone decreases
peristalsis contractions becomes weaker Cumulative damage from toxins are transported to liver for processing alcohol, other chemicals Rates of stomach/colon cancer rise Decline in olfactory/gustatory senses dietary changes that affect entire body

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