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Breaking Through Barriers to Achievement

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1 Breaking Through Barriers to Achievement

2 Understanding the role of resiliency
Objectives: Define resiliency & understand how it relates to Student Achievement; Know the characteristics of a resilient school that transformed adversity and boosted achievement; Understand why teach resilience is important to building resiliency in students; Identify the 3 factors that school environments can provide for teachers to foster their resiliency.

3 WHAT IS RESILIENCY Resiliency is the ability to overcome adversity and adapt successfully. Adverse conditions students face include: Poverty Trauma Broken home Teen Pregnancy Substance abuse Other hardships Schools can build resiliency in their students to help them bounce back from life’s challenges and succeed academically.

4 Resilient schools also build resiliency in their teachers so they can effectively deal with the challenges of teaching. School administrators that take conscientious steps to build the resiliency of their staff find that they have teachers that are better able to foster resiliency in their students.

Caring relationships with colleagues, administrators, and parents. High Expectations Along with essential support and resources to achieve those expectations. Opportunities for participation and contribution in the classroom and in school goals and decisions.

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