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There are 5 central beliefs of Christianity

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1 b) Demonstrate how the chosen practice expresses the beliefs of Christianity
There are 5 central beliefs of Christianity One God but three persons (Trinity) Revelation- God has revealed himself to us through personal experience/prayer, Jesus, prophets and through the Bible Jesus was man and God Jesus died , was resurrected and then ascended into heaven Salvation- by these actions of Jesus humanity is saved- we can go to Heaven after death

2 How do variants express these beliefs?
In common, they all worship/pray in their Sat/Sunday worship service because they believe those five beliefs, but over time, as the variants developed they have come to: Emphasise some beliefs more than others in their services Or, express the same beliefs in differing ways

3 What about the Catholic Mass?
It expresses all the 5 beliefs and is sacramental (believes that God is really present through the physical symbols and actions in the Mass) The 2nd Vatican Council says Christ is present in the laity, priest, scripture readings and Eucharist The Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy states “ Christ is always present in the Mass….for He ( God) promised “ where two or three are gathered in my name, then I am in the midst of them” Matt 18: 20 Euthanasia by consent: Voluntary Involuntary – controversial. Needs a proxy to make the decision but the issue arises when there is conflict between 2+ parties on what decision should be made (i.e.. Person in question is in a coma.) 2. Euthanasia by means: Passive: withholding common treatment (i.e.. Antibiotics, pain medication, surgery) or distribution of medications to relieve pain, knowing it may result in death. Non-Aggressive: withdrawing of life support Aggressive: use of a legal substance or forces to kill. Most Controversial

4 Evidence of these beliefs in Mass include:
Action Trinitarian God Salvation- we are saved if we admit sin and ask God’s forgiveness Jesus- man and God, died and was resurrected, way to Salvation, Revealed in the Bible, God, Jesus man and God, died and was resurrected, way to Salvation, Revealed in the Bible. Real Presence Salvation- we are now able to be at peace and of service and apply the beliefs in our lives. Intro/sign of the cross Penitential rite Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist Concluding Rites PRO: Choice – one of the ethical principles (subjectivism) QOL – May be in extreme pain, emotional pain of their illness... Economic costs and HR involved – complaints by media of lack of hospital beds, long waiting lists....other people could be saved?? Pressures – media, some doctors, different perspectives etc... CON: Professional Role – Hippocratic Oath (do no harm) Morals – religious/ethics? Theological – condemned by Church as violation of the ‘sanctity of human life’ (more detail next slide) Feasibility – competence of the patient to voluntarily decide is complicated to define. Necessity – can they be saved by medical or palliative care? Wishes of family – hardest on them.... Consent under pressure – should not be forced to act in a way which they are not comfortable.

5 Quotes “ The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life” ( Lumen Pentium, Constitution of the Church” “ The Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed…it is also the fount from which all her powers flow” Lumen Pentium, Constitution of the Church” Lord by your cross and resurrection you have set us free, you are the saviour of the world” ( words from the Catholic Mass) “This is my body which is given to you. Do this in memory of me.” (Luke 22:19 said in the Eucharistic Prayer in Mass Euthanasia by consent: Voluntary Involuntary – controversial. Needs a proxy to make the decision but the issue arises when there is conflict between 2+ parties on what decision should be made (i.e.. Person in question is in a coma.) 2. Euthanasia by means: Passive: withholding common treatment (i.e.. Antibiotics, pain medication, surgery) or distribution of medications to relieve pain, knowing it may result in death. Non-Aggressive: withdrawing of life support Aggressive: use of a legal substance or forces to kill. Most Controversial

6 What about a non-sacramental variant such as the Pentecostals?
Beliefs Actions God- most especially the inspiring power of the Holy Spirit , who helped the disciples to preach and convert others to feel the presence of God Again, reflects on the Holy Spirit and the belief that salvation is through faith and a personal experience Don’ t focus on this – have no belief in transubstantiation Unstructured service, with much emphasis on preaching singing, and emotional connection to God Laying on the hands , adult baptism, Glossolia ( praying in tongues) No communion service Church of England: Promote sanctity of human life, but believe doctors should feel they have to keep the person alive for the sake of it. Baptist Church: * Allow to die naturally (off life support)

7 What about other Non- Sacramental worship?
Other Protestant Variants Anglican Because these variants have come to acknowledge that Revelation is through the Bible alone and not Tradition ( such as the role of a priest) , many variants such as the Baptists, Methodist, Lutherans , Uniting Church and the Salvation Army have no official leader of the liturgy, no communion and emphasise bible readings not a priest giving communion The Salvation Army have no belief in salvation through the sacraments- salvation is through faith alone As High Anglicans have most of the same beliefs as Catholics and Orthodox variants , there worship is similar However, Low Anglican Churches have less emphasis on Communion Services, and hold them less frequently because they believe in consubstantiation not transubstantiation Roman Catholic – ACTIVITY: provide Declaration on Euthanasia to study and answer questions provided.

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