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Media and tech Chapter 8 (your text).

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1 Media and tech Chapter 8 (your text)

2 What is it? technology has described the application of science to address the problems of daily life. Media is a term that refers to all print, digital, and electronic means of communication. From the time the printing press was created (and even before), technology has influenced how and where information is shared

3 Types of Media

4 Print newspaper With the invention of the printing press, the way that people shared ideas changed, as information could be mass produced and stored. For the first time, there was a way to spread knowledge and information more efficiently; many credit this development as leading to the Renaissance and ultimately the Age of Enlightenment This shift away from newspapers as a source of information has profound effects on societies. When the news is given to a large diverse conglomerate of people, it must maintain some level of broad-based reporting and balance in order to appeal to a broad audience and keep them subscribing. As newspapers decline, news sources become more fractured, so each segment of the audience can choose specifically what it wants to hear and what it wants to avoid

5 TV and radio The shift from just print towards tv and radio led to the ability of information (and entertainment) could be enjoyed at home, with a kind of immediacy and community that newspapers could not offer. The impact of television on U.S. society is hard to overstate. By the late 1990s, 98 percent of U.S. homes had at least one television set, and the average person watched between two and a half and five hours of television daily. All this television has a powerful socializing effect, providing reference groups while reinforcing social norms, values, and beliefs.

6 Movies The film industry took off in the 1930s, when color and sound were first integrated into feature films. Like television, early films were unifying for society: as people gathered in theaters to watch new releases, they would laugh, cry, and be scared together Movies also act as time capsules or cultural touchstones for society Today, many are leaving the shared space of the theater for their own homes. Even though most streaming video companies keep their user data secret, Nielsen estimated that 38 percent of U.S. citizens accessed Netflix in In 2013, Google, Inc. reported that YouTube served 1 billion unique viewers every month

7 New Media New media encompasses all interactive forms of information exchange Social media sites Video games Internet

8 What affects might these technologies have on you
What affects might these technologies have on you? - group reading of “Impact of media use on children and youth”

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