Homeostasis of body fluid

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1 Homeostasis of body fluid
Text: Chapter 8 Human Biology Stage 3

2 Keywords Hypothalamus Osmoreceptors Thirst centre ADH Adrenal glands
Aldosterone Nephron Bowman’s capsule - glomerulus Proximal convoluted tubule Loop of Henle Distal convoluted tubule Collection duct Ureter Bladder 5/22/2019 3HBS

3 Renal function: osmoregulation (6 min)

4 Fluid balance – water in
Food ml Fluids ml Metabolic water (from respiration) 300 ml TOTAL ml Anthea Sieveking, Wellcome Images

5 Fluid balance – water out
Urine ml Sweating ml Lungs ml Faeces ml TOTAL ml Anthea Sieveking, Wellcome Images

6 Regulation of body fluids
The kidneys regulate the level and composition of body fluids Functions Fluid balance Salt balance Removal of wastes (urea) pH balance interdependent 5/22/2019 3HBS

7 The kidney Proximal convoluting tubule Glomerulus Capsule Cortex
Distal convoluting tubule Medulla Renal artery Collecting duct Renal vein Loop of Henle Renal pelvis Capillaries Ureter KIDNEY A NEPHRON

8 The kidney Renal medulla – loops of Henle Renal artery Renal vein
Renal cortex – Bowman’s capsules Ureter – to the bladder 5/22/2019 3HBS

9 The kidneys The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron
It filters waste products out of the blood Each kidney contains about 1.2 million nephrons 5/22/2019 3HBS

10 The kidneys Blood enters the glomerulus (Bowman’s capsule) under high pressure. Water and small molecules are forced out of the blood vessels This filtrate is collected and passes through several tubules Some water and useful substances are reabsorbed The rest passes through to the ureters and is stored in the bladder for excretion Renal cortex Renal medulla 5/22/2019 3HBS

11 Fluid regulation There are 2 hormones that regulate the body’s fluid composition: Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Water reabsorption Pituitary gland Aldosterone Salt reabsorption Hypothalamus & adrenal glands 5/22/2019 3HBS

12 Selective water re-absorption
The second stage of water re-absorption is important if we become dehydrated. It can be divided into two phases (though both are interdependent). The first phase involves the re-absorption of salt under the influence of the hormone aldosterone. The second phase involves the re-absorption of water under the influence of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

13 Fluid regulation ADH acts by increasing the permeability of the walls of the distal convoluted tubule and the collecting duct Aldosterone acts by increasing the activity of the sodium-potassium pumps in the loop of Henle and the distal convoluted tubule ADH – water reabsorption aldosterone – salt reabsorption 5/22/2019 3HBS

14 Selective reabsorption
Process Structure Substance Active/passive Reabsorption PCT Water (60-70%) Salts (60-70%) Glucose (100%) Amino acids (100%) Vitamins (100%) Passive (osmosis) All active Loop of Henle Water (25%) Na+/Cl- (25%) Active DCT Water (5%) Na+/Cl- (5%) Collecting duct

15 Tubular secretion Tubular secretion PCT & DCT Active H+
Process Structure Substance Active/passive Tubular secretion PCT & DCT H+ NH4+ (ammonium) Creatinine Toxins Drugs Neurotransmitters Active

16 Reabsorption of salt - aldosterone
Stimulus Decreased blood volume → reduced blood pressure Receptor Baroreceptors in Renal artery

17 Reabsorption of salt - aldosterone
Transmission Several chemical messengers ending with release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex Effector Sodium pumps in DCT and loop of Henle Response Sodium reabsorbed increasing ion concentration in interstitial fluid (creates osmotic gradient)

18 Negative feedback – aldosterone
Pressoreceptors in renal artery Decreased blood volume → reduced blood pressure Stimulus Receptor Hypothalamus & adrenal glands –(aldosterone) More water is reabsorbed because of increased osmotic gradient Negative feedback Regulation Response Effector Sodium reabsorbed Sodium pumps in loop of Henle and distal convoluting tubule

19 Reabsorption of water - antidiuretic hormone
Stimulus Decreased blood volume → reduced blood pressure → increased osmotic pressure Osmotic pressure is the minimum pressure which needs to be applied to prevent the inward flow of water across a semipermeable membrane or The tendency of a solution to take in water by osmosis. Receptor Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus → (activates thirst reflex)

20 Reabsorption of water - antidiuretic hormone
Transmission nerve signal to posterior pituitary gland ADH released into bloodstream Effector DCT and collecting duct Response Increases permeability of above structures water (approx 10%) reabsorbed

21 Negative feedback – ADH
Decreased blood volume → reduced blood pressure → increased osmotic pressure Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus Stimulus Receptor ADH from posterior pituitary gland Osmotic pressure maintained or reduced Thirst reflex Negative feedback Drink Regulation Water reabsorbed Response Effector Increases permeability of DCT and collecting duct DCT and collecting duct

22 Deamination Definition The stripping of nitrogen from amino
acid and nitrogen bases (RNA) Deamination occurs in the liver Nitrogen occurs in the amino (NH2) part of an amino acid. Nitrogen is toxic to the human body and must be removed. The amino group Alanine

23 Deamination – chemical reaction
Amino acid → ammonia + organic compounds (used for respiration) Ammonia (very toxic) + CO2 → urea (H2NCONH2)

24 Nitrogen wastes Nitrogen compound Source Amount Relative Toxicity Urea
Amino Acids 21 g/day Moderate Creatinine Muscle metabolism 1.8 g/day High Uric acid RNA 480 mg/day Weak

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