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Crossroads ch6 (pp ) Vocab to include: regionalism capitation, dixieme, gabelle, taille, corvee inflation tariff toll How might the structure.

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3 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) Vocab to include: regionalism capitation, dixieme, gabelle, taille, corvee inflation tariff toll How might the structure of French society lead to the discontent in the general population?

4 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) Estates – General Tennis Court Oath Bloc National Assembly Was the crisis in France avoidable?

5 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) Political clubs Girondists Jacobins Sans-Culotte Moderates Radicals Legislative Assembly Did the citizens go too far? Did the use of violence actually work against those trying to stay in power?

6 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) Fall of the Bastille Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen The Great Fear Why might this fortress become such a powerful symbol of struggle against oppression? How did the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen influence democratic governments?

7 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) Infrastructure Extravagant spending Versailles Deficit In which ways did Louis XIV both enrich and impoverish French society? Did France ultimately benefit or suffer because of Louis’ rule? What reasons did the citizens of France have disliking Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette? Were they justified in their thinking?

8 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) March on Versailles Olympe de Gouges Tricoteuse Charlotte Corday Marianne Some historians argue about how the French Revolution reversed the progress women were making in society. How significant was the role of women in the beginning stages of the French Revolution? What roles did they occupy?

9 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) Napoleon Revolutionary Wars Military What factors led to Napoleon’s ability to gain power in France (and later become Emperor)?

10 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) National Convention Trial of Citizen Louis Capet Guillotine Paris Was Louis’ death important as a rallying point for the revolutionaries?

11 Crossroads ch6 (pp ) Guillotine Robespierre Republic dictatorship Reign of Terror Committee of Public Safety It seems ironic that the Committee of Public Safety would be best known for the Reign of Terror. Why do you think Robespierre resorted to and justified violence to protect a Republic who’s motto was “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”?

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