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Today is Tuesday, December 18, 2012

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Presentation on theme: "Today is Tuesday, December 18, 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is Tuesday, December 18, 2012
HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 8, Lesson 2 Warm UP: Place your hand ABOVE the hot water on your desk. Why does the air feel warm and humid (moist?)

2 Goal for Today SWBAT demonstrate an understanding of air masses moving by discussing the effects when two air masses meet.

3 Air mass – large body of air with similar properties all through it (usually temperature and humidity – amount of water vapor in the air) Continental Polar Air Continental Tropical Air Maritime Polar Air Maritime Tropical Air

4 Front – boundary between two air masses
Cold front – cold air moving into warm air mass Warm front – warm air mass moving into cold air mass Stationary front – front that doesn’t move much or it moves back and forth over the same area

5 Fronts




9 Closing it up…. In table groups, discuss the following:
What type of front creates a thunderstorm? What kind of front is blowing in on a warm sunny day?

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