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By: Mike Donelon and Mike Moynihan. A popular slogan that workers had back then was Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, and eight hours for what.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Mike Donelon and Mike Moynihan. A popular slogan that workers had back then was Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, and eight hours for what."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Mike Donelon and Mike Moynihan

2 A popular slogan that workers had back then was Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, and eight hours for what we will Then things like Amusement Parks, bicycling, tennis, and spectator sports started to become more popular and keep their minds off of having to work tomorrow

3 Amusement Parks were often built by trolley- car companies that wanted to have more passengers The first roller coaster was built in 1884 at Coney Island The first ferris wheel was built in 1893 in Chicago

4 The first American bicycles were made by Colonel Albert A. Pope in the 1870s In 1885 they created the safety bicycle in which the bicycle had two of the same sized wheels and they were filled with air. It also had a dropped frame and no crossbar which got women into bicycling 50,000 men and women bicycled in 1888. Then two years later 312 American firms turned out 10 million bikes.

5 Boxing and Baseball were popular sports back in the late 1800s to the early 1900s The first great heavyweight boxer was John L. Sullivan and got his title in 1882 Boxing was fought mainly with bare knuckles John also offered to anyone that could beat him $10,000 if they survived 4 rounds in the ring with him The person to finally knock him out was James J. Gentleman Jim Corbett in the 21 st round.

6 Fifty baseball clubs started to show up in 1850 and New York alone had twelve of them In 1869, a team named the Cincinnati Red Stockings went around the country to challenge other teams More than 51,000 fans showed up at the 1887 championship series between St. Louis and Detroit In the 1890s baseball had a published game schedule, official rules and a standard-sized diamond

7 There are three things the audience could choose from: serious drama, exciting melodrama, or vaudeville shows Shakespeares tragedies=serious drama Under the Gaslight=Melodramas Edwin Milton Royle=Vaudeville But everyone loved going to the Barnum and Bailey Circus which was founded by P.T. Barnum and Anthony Bailey

8 Ragtime is a blend of African-American spirituals and European musical forms Ragtime started in the 1880s Ragtime was an important step in developing Jazz

9 The nations first shopping center opened in Cleveland, Ohio in 1890 The growth of cities sparked production of new stores all around the nation and also inns, city housing financial services, hotels and entertainment Retail shopping centers formed in the middle of cities to make getting to them quicker and easier

10 Marshall Field of Chicago coined the name Department Store Field also said the phrase Give the lady what she wants In magazines such as the Chicago Magazine of Fashion advertised directly towards women

11 Chain stores are groups of stores under the same ownership F.W. Woolworth founded the store Five-and- Dime Store Woolworth also founded out that if you put a item at a low price, people will buy it right on the spot The Five-and-Dime store was so popular that they sold more that a million dollars of merchandise a week

12 Companies advertised about $10 million a year in 1865 but increased to $95 million by 1900 Medicines grabbed the largest number of advertising Then pretty much anything in stores like soaps, food, and toys

13 These were sent to farmers and residents of small towns Sears printed catalogs in ten different languages to help produce more sales By 1910, more than 10 million Americans shopped by mail each year

14 In 1896, the United States Post Office boosted mail-order businesses by starting a rural free delivery In 1913 the initiation of parcel post made it possible to send a 50-pound package from Chicago to any location in the country

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