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Animal Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Behavior

2 Animal Behavior Behavior: anything an animal does in response to a stimulus in its environment

3 Innate Behavior Inherited behavior Uses hormones or nervous system
Examples Reflex- simplest innate behavior No conscience control

4 Innate Behavior Examples Instinct- complex pattern of innate behaviors

5 Instinctive Behaviors
spider courtship dance bird of paradise-courtship Courtship- behaviors males and females carry out before mating Sounds, visual displays, dances, chemical signals

6 Instinctive Behaviors
Territoriality- defense of a physical space, territory Against other members of the same species Reduces aggression-threat or harm to another animal Against other species- may include aggression Songs, calls, intimidation, marking territory, attack, chase

7 Territoriality bashing-bison. Animal Territory

8 Cycles of Instinctive Behaviors
Circadian rhythm – 24 hour cycle of behavior 52.2 Circadian Rythm plant circadian rhythm to fight insects

9 Cycles of Instinctive Behaviors
-wildebeest-migration Migration- seasonal or periodic movement of animals in response to changes in climate or food availability, or to ensure reproduction.

10 Cycles of Instinctive Behaviors
Hibernation- state of reduced metabolism as animals sleep through cold winter

11 Cycles of Instinctive Behaviors
Estivation- state of reduced metabolism as animals sleep through hot summer

12 Learned Behavior Learned Behavior-behavior that changes through practice or experience Habituation Animal is given stimulus without punishment or reward Leads to lack of response Gets “used to”

13 Learned Behavior Imprinting
Duck imprinting on Dog Imprinting Attachment to an object during a certain time in an animals life

14 Learned Behavior Trial and Error
Learning where animal is rewarded for a particular response

15 Learned Behavior Conditioning
Learning in which an animal connects a stimulus with a certain behavior Learning by association Pavlov’s dogs

16 Pavlov’s dogs

17 Learned Behavior Insight
Animal uses its experience to respond to something new Problem solving Youtube: Chimp Problem Solving Youtube: Chimp Cooperation

18 Communication Exchange of information that results in a change in behavior Sounds, body movements, facial expressions, chemicals bees-navigation

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