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Year 1 Results May 2012 NDPC SD and WVDE

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1 Year 1 Results May 2012 NDPC SD and WVDE
PUTNAM COUNTY Year 1 Results May 2012 NDPC SD and WVDE

2 What stood out in the data probes worksheets as areas for improvement
for students with IEPs? Baseline data

3 Baseline Data Details 19% of the Hurricane High School students who were referred for disciplinary infractions resulting in out of school suspensions were students with disabilities. 13% of the Hurricane High School students who were referred to the court system due to attendance issues were students with disabilities. Poor student and parent participation in the development of IEPs (current data being collected)

4 focus area(s) for the work?
Considering current resources and practices, what did the team select as the focus area(s) for the work? Focus topics

5 Focus Areas Attendance Behavior Academics/Course Performance
Family Engagement Students Engagement

6 Goals outcomes evaluation
What we did and our results Goals outcomes evaluation

7 Goal 1: Improve class attendance of students with disabilities by developing optional disciplinary measures to use in lieu of in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, or expulsions.

8 Goal 1 Data Targets To decrease the number of suspensions and expulsions for students with disabilities.

9 Goal 1 Strategies Increase involvement and collaboration with special education teachers, IEP case managers, diagnosticians, psychologists, administrators, attendance coordinator, assistant superintendant, and drug prevention coordinator. Present the specifics of the NAVIGATE program to Frontline drop-out prevention participants.

10 Goal 1 Implementation Steps
Educate all team members regarding NAVIGATE and Frontline drop out prevention committee. Develop anti-bullying group counseling program. The ISS teacher will deliver social skill, conflict resolution, and anger management training to students in ISS. Analysis of monthly suspension lists will determine interventions needed for students who are frequently on the list. NAVIGATE mentor will meet bi-monthly with the student to address grades, attendance, and discipline.

11 Goal 2: To improve the academic progress of students with disabilities to ensure that they complete the required courses of study within a four year period with their cohort group.

12 Goal 2 Data Targets Provide additional opportunities for students with disabilities to take ownership and make decisions regarding their educational program. Improve parent involvement in the educational program of students with disabilities. Provide a greater variety of choices with regards to academic levels of support.

13 Goal 2 Strategies At-risk students with disabilities will be assigned to a NAVIGATE mentor. The Special Education staff will be trained on a self-advocacy program. Improve parent attendance rate to the annual IEP meeting.

14 Goal 2 Implementation Steps
NAVIGATE mentor will meet bi-monthly with the student to address grades, attendance, and discipline. Students with disabilities will participate in the development and presentation of their annual IEP. Staff will make multiple attempts to communicate directly with parents to elicit their involvement in IEP meetings.

15 results What are our results at the end of one year?
Where do we stand now with our progress? What conclusions have we identified? results

16 Goal 1 Results Number of suspensions and expulsions are believed to have decreased from However, all data has not yet been received to determine exact results for goal 1. 39% of the at-risk students assigned to NAVIGATE mentors have been students with disabilities.

17 Goal 2 Results All data regarding the rate of parent participation at IEP meetings has not yet been received to determine results of goal 2. All data regarding the rate of student participation at IEP meetings has not yet been received to determine results of goal 2. School exceptional education staff was trained in the student advocacy program. Exceptional education staff will analyze all inclusion classes to determine pass/fail rate of students with disabilities. Additional servicing options will be determined by the results of this data.

18 Graduation dropout post school outcomes
Where were we in the past? Where are we for 2012? Graduation dropout post school outcomes

19 Graduation Rate Projection
Due to changes in the way data is coded and graduation rates defined, it is likely that the data will indicate that graduation rates this year have declined.

20 Dropout Rate Projection
Recently the court system has implemented a more stringent enforcement of attendance that often forces a student to choose between attending school regularly or dropping out altogether. Thus, we expect our drop out rate to increase initially due to these students choosing to drop out.

21 Post School Outcomes Projection
A higher number of students have worked closely with the Department of Rehabilitation Services. Therefore, we believe that there may be more options available to them post school.

22 What does our future hold?
What do we do next year? What does our future hold? Next steps

23 Next Steps and Plans for the Future
Develop further involvement of the Department of Rehabilitation Services in providing post-school support to students with disabilities. Continue to collect and analyze data to determine the effectiveness of the strategies implemented. Continue to implement effective strategies and expand these to include other county high schools.

24 reflections What have we learned?
What do our students, staff, families and community members say? What will we change? reflections

25 Contact us Annette Pratt, Director of Exceptional Education
Phyllis Payne, Diagnostician Angie Sullivan, School Psychologist Rachel Parde, School Psychologist Leann Vaughn, School Psychologist Putnam County Schools (304) Contact us

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