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Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region

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1 Coping with Climate Change in the Pacific Island Region
Overview for the Fisheries Sector Dr. Christopher Bartlett, Technical Advisor

2 GIZ German Agency for International Cooperation
Fully government –owned Implements technical cooperation on behalf of German Government and others Assistance to Pacific island countries since the seventies

3 Role of GIZ Provides technical assistance, no direct budget support
Provides long- and short term advisors & training Advisors work in close collaboration with regional & national counterparts & development partners Programmes & projects are seen as joint efforts between all parties involved to achieve objective CCCPIR joint effort among countries, SPC, SPREP, USP and GIZ Close collaboration with USAID, AUSAID & EU

4 CCCPIR quick facts German government funded 17.2 million Euro
Implemented by GIZ in collaboration with SPC, SPREP and many others

5 Programme objective The capacities of regional organisations in the Pacific Islands region and its member states to adapt to climate change and mitigate its causes are strengthened

6 CCCPIR Programme Structure
C 1. Strengthening regional advisory and management capacity C 2. Mainstreaming climate considerations and adaptation strategies C 3. Implementing adaptation and mitigation measures C 4. Sustainable tourism and climate change C 5. Sustainable energy management C 6. Climate change education

7 Regional Structure CC advisor Micronesia with SPC office Pohnpei (Fenno) CC advisor in Solomon Islands CC advisor Samoa & SPREP in Apia (Rachael) CC advisor in Vanuatu (Christopher) Institutional attachment: SPC Noumea, CC Coordinator (Brian) Country officer: (Sitiveni) CCCPIR Programme office Suva; Education, Energy, REDD+ Project Admin Unit (PAU)

8 Country Focus Country focus  BMU-IKI Mainstreaming Pilot projects
(flexible) Mainstreaming Pilot projects Tourism Energy Education REDD + FSM Cross sectoral mainstreaming Integrated land & marine resources Fiji Land based resources REDD, land resources CCCPIR Kiribati Marshall Isl Water resource management Water resources Nauru Land & marine resources Palau Food security, cross sectoral mainstreaming Coastal resources PNG Land and coastal resources BMU-IKI Samoa Marine resource management Coastal/marine resources Solomon Isl Water resources, coastal resources Tonga Land resources Tuvalu Marine resources, water Vanuatu Coastal and Land based resources Coastal and land resources

9 CCCPIR Programme Structure
C 1. Strengthening regional advisory and management capacity C 2. Mainstreaming climate considerations and adaptation strategies C 3. Implementing adaptation and mitigation measures C 4. Sustainable tourism and climate change C 5. Sustainable energy management C 6. Climate change education

10 C 1. Strengthening regional advisory and management capacity
- SPC Coastal Fisheries Management Officer 3 years 300,000 Euros - Tuna Modeling SPC FAME Improved CC & tuna models resolution of <2 degrees Develop national adaptation and response actions 398,040 Euros SPREP CC Portal Technical Consultancies and regional steering - MSG CC & Environment Technical Advisory Committee

11 C 2. Mainstreaming climate considerations and adaptation strategies
Kiribati – National CC & Fisheries Strategy (w/ joint CC missions) PNG - incorporate CC into specific fishery management plans, e.g. sea cucumbers Vanuatu – National CC & DRR Policy and Action Plan (JNAP) Nauru- JNAP support (w/ joint CC missions)

12 C 3. Implementing adaptation and mitigation measures
Kiribati - cost benefit analysis training with the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources + pilot sites (Sept 12) Yap - Documentation of traditional and local marine knowledge and management practices + pilot site (July 12) Chuuk -Mangroves rehabilitation and climate resilience Solomon Islands - Ridge to Reef approach in Choiseul province Tuvalu - ridge to reef approach community management Nauru- expansion of community based ecosystem approach + 2 pilot sites (August 12) Vanuatu- CC proofing and economic analysis of community aquaculture

13 C 4. Sustainable tourism and climate change
Reducing emissions and environmental impacts from tourism Supporting community based tourism initiatives to adapt to climate change

14 C 5. Sustainable Energy Management
Financial and policy advice Support in formulating bankable investment proposals

15 C 6. Climate Change and Education
Regional- work with USP and CETC to develop CC community training modules Kiribati & Vanuatu - support to national qualification authorities to develop competencies and skills in fisheries and climate change (TVET), Kiribati - development of education resources on CC, that include fisheries relevant elements (coral reef ecosystems poster for primary education) Vanuatu- DVD on community based, coral reef management & climate adaptation

16 Requesting SPC-GIZ technical assistance under
Component 2: Mainstreaming or Component 3: Pilot Implementation Contact your national CC focal point and/or SPC focal point with a specific fisheries-related priority request.

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