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What it should mean to you…

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1 What it should mean to you…
Vocational Wellness What it should mean to you…

2 The Wellness Concept Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence. Process means that improvement is always possible. Aware means that we are continuously seeking more information about how we can improve. Choices means that we consider a variety of options and select those in our best interest. Success is determined by each individual to be their collection of life accomplishments.

3 Dimensions of Wellness
Social Emotional Environmental Physical Intellectual Vocational Spiritual

4 Dimensions of Vocational Wellness
Vocational Wellness incorporates our core values with interests, hobbies, employment and volunteer work. For example: Someone may volunteer, but may not seek the ultimate benefit from it. Many associate vocational wellness as a means of making money, but it actually incorporates skills and knowledge. Someone may have many gifts and talents, but may not use them to benefit the community.

5 Vocational Involves integrating skills, activities, and promoting satisfaction in one’s life. It is usually determined early on in an experience as an individual continues to create goals, attitudes, and satisfaction in life. It extends to multiple areas within one’s life beyond volunteering.

6 How to achieve Vocational Wellness
Enjoy company with family Read a book Volunteer Reach out in the community Draw or paint a picture Invest time and energy into something you enjoy

7 What impacts Vocational Wellness?
Relationships Surround yourself with people who encourage and support your talents. Seek out education to improve talents and personal skill sets. Personal Finding self-worth in life through hobbies, employment, activities, inner strength, and volunteer work. The Community Benefit the community with your talents and gifts. Give back where you can through donating your time and sharing your skills with other.

8 Vocational Activities at GVS
Volunteer Committee Arms Full of Stitches Green Ladies Sunday Vespers Choral Groups Art Group

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