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Sandra Walker Faculty of Health Sciences 2012

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1 Sandra Walker Faculty of Health Sciences 2012
Mythbuster Sandra Walker Faculty of Health Sciences 2012

2 Crying is girly FALSE TRUE

3 Correct! Crying is a natural process that regulates emotional pressure We all need a good cry now and then!

4 Incorrect If we didn’t cry it could lead to a build up of emotions that can make us unwell. TRY AGAIN!

5 Eating fruit can make you happy

6 Incorrect Lots of foods contain ‘Tryptophan’ which has been linked to our bodies making serotonin which makes us happy. There foods are milk, nuts, seeds and some fruits! TRY AGAIN!

7 Correct Bananas and avacados are high in an amino acid called ‘Tryptophan’ It may be that this helps with serotonin production in our bodies and makes us happy! All fruit is great so get eating!

8 When feeling sad should you…
Talk to someone? Pretend nothing is wrong?

9 Incorrect Sometimes we cannot figure out how to make things better on our own and it is then that we need to talk to someone else so they can support us and give us more ideas. TRY AGAIN!

10 Correct! A problem shared is a problem halved – this saying is very old and very true! Talking helps us to make sense of our problems and figure out a way to solve them.

11 Dreaming is the bodies way of healing your mind

12 Incorrect There are many reasons that we dream, one of them is to file our thoughts for future use like a computer. Does dreaming also help us heal? TRY AGAIN!

13 Correct Dreaming is one of the ways we heal ourselves. The brain goes over events to help us come to terms with them.

14 Asking for help is a sign of weakness

15 Incorrect We are social animals! It is important to remember that one thing that is guaranteed to make anyone feel better is to help someone else. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. TRY AGAIN!

16 Correct It is a sign of strength to recognise when we need help. Very few of us manage everything well alone.

17 Laughing is good for you

18 Incorrect Think about how you feel when you laugh, does it make you feel worse?! No? Well.. TRY AGAIN!

19 Correct Lots of research has been done that shows that laughter is definitely one of the best medicines we can have when we are feeling poorly AND it keeps us well. Laugh loud and long! 

20 Sad children sometimes get a tummy ache instead of feeling sad

21 Incorrect Sometimes we express our feelings through our bodies this is called a ‘psychosomatic’ reaction. TRY AGAIN!

22 Correct When you are young it is not always easy to express feelings. It is common for children to have tummy aches that are to do with how they feel emotionally and not a sign they have eaten something dodgy!

23 Exercise will keep your mind healthy

24 Have you heard the saying? – ‘Healthy body – Healthy mind!’
Incorrect Have you heard the saying? – ‘Healthy body – Healthy mind!’ TRY AGAIN!

25 Correct Exercising releases something called ‘endorphins’ into our blood and these make us feel good. Having a healthy body is essential for good mental health. Time for a jog! 

26 What can you do when someone you know is sad?
Laugh at them? Give them a cuddle?

27 Laughing at someone who is sad is likely to make them feel worse. 
Incorrect Laughing at someone who is sad is likely to make them feel worse.  TRY AGAIN!

28 Correct It is always lovely to know that someone cares. It is important to check that the person doesn’t mind you cuddling them before you do it though!

29 You are marvellous! FALSE TRUE

30 I can’t believe you pressed this one!
Incorrect I can’t believe you pressed this one! TRY AGAIN!

31 Correct There is only one of you, you are unique and very special. Our bodies are a wonderful maze of complicated systems which are similar but all very slightly different. How cool are you!?

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