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Government Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Government Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Vocabulary
Miss Springborn~ Team 6

2 Democracy Government where people are in charge and freedoms are protected

3 Republic People have power either directly or through elected officials

4 Separation of Powers Creation of branches of government, each one has its own powers!!!

5 Checks and Balances Making sure that one group doesn’t get too powerful, way of checking each other

6 Veto When the president says NO to a proposed law

7 Civil Liberties Freedoms we should have as human beings

8 federalism Power shared between our national and state governments

9 Citizenship Belonging to one country and sharing in the rights of its citizens

10 Naturalization The steps for someone not born in our country to become an American citizen

11 Primary election First set of voting for an election to get a parties support

12 General Election When all candidates run for an office and voters get to choose the candidate they like best

13 ratification To approve, or accept

14 filibuster A strategy to try and stop certain laws from coming to a vote

15 Political parties Groups of people that share certain beliefs and try to elect candidates that also share their beliefs

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