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Chapter 6 Essay Questions

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1 Chapter 6 Essay Questions
Created for CVCA Physics By Dick Heckathorn 23 November 2K+3

2 Answer the Following Questions as Completely as Possible

3 1. If we find an object that is not moving even though we know it to be acted on by a force, what inference can we draw?

4 1a. If we find an object that is not moving even though we know it to be acted on by a force, what inference can we draw?

5 2. When your car moves along the highway at constant velocity, the net force on it is zero. Why, then, do you continue running your engine?

6 2a. When your car moves along the highway at constant velocity, the net force on it is zero. Why, then, do you continue running your engine?

7 3. What is the net force on an apple that weighs 4 kilograms when you hold it at rest above the floor? What is the net force on it when you release it?

8 3a. What is the net force on an apple that weighs 4 kilograms when you hold it at rest above the floor? What is the net force on it when you release it?

9 4. If a Mack truck and a Honda Civic have a head-on collision,
a. upon which vehicle is the impact force greater? Explain

10 4a. If a Mack truck and a Honda Civic have a head-on collision,
a. upon which vehicle is the impact force greater? Explain

11 4. If a Mack truck and a Honda Civic have a head-on collision,
b. Which vehicle undergoes the greater change in its motion? Explain

12 4a. If a Mack truck and a Honda Civic have a head-on collision,
b. Which vehicle undergoes the greater change in its motion? Explain

13 5. Why can you exert greater force on the pedals of a bicycle if you pull up on the handlebars? (One usually does this in a standing position.)

14 5a. Why can you exert greater force on the pedals of a bicycle if you pull up on the handlebars? (One usually does this in a standing position.)

15 6. The strong man will push the two initially stationary freight cars of equal mass apart before he himself drops straight to the ground. Is it possible for him to give either of the cars a greater speed than the other? Why or why not?

16 6a. The strong man will push the two initially stationary freight cars of equal mass apart before he himself drops straight to the ground. Is it possible for him to give either of the cars a greater speed than the other? Why or why not?


18 7. Suppose two carts, one twice the mass of the other, fly apart when the compressed spring that joins them is released. How fast does the heavier cart roll compared to the lighter car. Explain.

19 7a. Suppose two carts, one twice the mass of the other, fly apart when the compressed spring that joins them is released. How fast does the heavier cart roll compared to the lighter car. Explain.


21 8a. The little girl hands at rest from the ends of the rope as shown.
a. How does the reading on the scale compare to her weight?

22 8aa. The little girl hands at rest from the ends of the rope as shown.
a. How does the reading on the scale compare to her weight?

23 8b. The little girl hands at rest from the ends of the rope as shown.
b. Identify all the action-reaction pair forces by drawing them on the diagram.

24 8ba. The little girl hands at rest from the ends of the rope as shown.
b. Identify all the action-reaction pair forces by drawing them on the diagram.

25 8c. The little girl hands at rest from the ends of the rope as shown.
c. What is the net force on the girl? Explain

26 8ca. The little girl hands at rest from the ends of the rope as shown.
c. What is the net force on the girl? Explain

27 9a. Harry, the painter has a weight of 500-N
9a. Harry, the painter has a weight of 500-N. The rope has a breaking point of 300-N. a. In which of the diagrams is he safe? Explain

28 9aa. Harry, the painter has a weight of 500-N
9aa. Harry, the painter has a weight of 500-N. The rope has a breaking point of 300-N. a. In which of the diagrams is he safe? Explain

29 9b. Harry, the painter has a weight of 500-N
9b. Harry, the painter has a weight of 500-N. The rope has a breaking point of 300-N. b. In which of the diagrams is he not safe? Explain

30 9ba. Harry, the painter has a weight of 500-N
9ba. Harry, the painter has a weight of 500-N. The rope has a breaking point of 300-N. b. In which of the diagrams is he not safe? Explain


32 10a. When the athlete holds the barbell overhead, the reaction force is the weight of the barbell on his hand. a. How does the force vary for the case where the barbell is accelerated upward?

33 10. When the athlete holds the barbell overhead, the reaction force is the weight of the barbell on his hand. b. How does the force vary for the case where the barbell is accelerated downward?

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