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Types of Sentence Structures

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2 Types of Sentence Structures
Simple Compound Complex Compound-complex

3 1. Simple Sentences Def: Simple sentences follow one of the following patterns: Subject (S) + Verb (V) Tommy runs. S + V+ Direct Object (DO) Gil wants cookies. S+V+Predicate Nominative Maria is the president. S+V+Predicate Adjective The team feels sick.

4 1. Simple (Continued) Simple sentences can be long (add adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, indirect objects, etc.) Example: Gil wants cookies. The greedy Gil wants chocolate chip macadamia cookies to eat for breakfast every day for the rest of his life.

5 Which simple sentence pattern is this?
My back aches. Surprisingly, the boys looked just like girls on Cross-Dress day. Stacey was Terry’s best friend until yesterday. June stubbornly liked her old high school better. Notice some simple sentences can be long!

6 2. Compound Def: Combines two simple sentences with a comma + FANBOYS conjunction (Coordinating conjunction) There’s a complete sentence on BOTH sides of the FANBOYS. Usually convey simple ideas/facts. I usually don’t mind missing school, but this is not fun. I feel too sick to watch TV; I feel too sick to eat. Medicine doesn’t help, for it only alleviates my pain a little while.

7 3. Complex Def: Combines TWO simple sentences but with an AAWWUBBIS conjunction (subordinating) AAWWUBBIS: Although, After, As, While, When, Until, Before, Because, If, Since (There are more than these. If it’s not a FANBOYS, just assume it’s subordinating.) Use for more sophisticated ideas. Ex: When I get back to school, I’m actually going to appreciate it. I’ve been so bored at home even though I had the TV, PS4, and laptop all to myself. I will happily greet my teachers because I will once again be healthy.

8 4. Compound-Complex Def: Contains the following three things:
At least THREE simple sentences, At least 1 FANBOYS, and At least 1 AAAWWUBBIS Convey very complex thoughts/relationships. Use to sound more mature/formal, but don’t overdo it. Ex: Yes, I have a bad flu, and because I need to get well soon, I won’t think about school just yet. Although Mathilde was so ambitious, and her husband tried to give her the dream life she wanted, they still ended up poorer than before.

9 p. 144 Underline each simple sentence. Box in all the FANBOYS.
Circle all the AAAWWUBBIS conjunctions. Identify each sentence on this page as simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex.

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