Special English for Industrial Robot

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1 Special English for Industrial Robot
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2 49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot
Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs

3 Unit 2 Introduction of industrial robot
Task: Part1 Main parts of industrial robot Part2 Basic terms Part3 Technical parameters Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 2 Introduction of industrial robot URL :

4 8 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Robot kinematics
Part4 Kinematics and dynamics The study of motion can be divided into kinematics and dynamics. Robot kinematics Robot kinematics applies geometry to the study of the movement of multi-degree of freedom kinematic chains that form the structure of robotic systems.The emphasis on geometry means that the links of the robot are modeled as rigid bodies and its joints are assumed to provide pure rotation or translation.

5 8 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Robot kinematics
Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Robot kinematics Robot kinematics studies the relationship between the dimensions and connectivity of kinematic chains and the position, velocity and acceleration of each of the links in the robotic system, in order to plan and control movement and to compute actuator forces and torques. A fundamental tool in robot kinematics is the kinematics equations of the kinematic chains that form the robot.

6 8 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Robot kinematics
Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Robot kinematics Forward kinematics uses the kinematic equations of a robot to compute the position of the end-effector from specified values for the joint parameters, as shown in Figure 2-3. The reverse process that computes the joint parameters that achieve a specified position of the end-effector is known as inverse kinematics, as shown in Figure 2-5. The dimensions of the robot and its kinematics equations define the volume of space reachable by the robot, known as its workspace.

7 How can move from position A to B?
Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot 8 Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Figure 2-5 Inverse kinematics How can move from position A to B? Position A Position B Figure 2-4 Forward kinematics Where to move?

8 8 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Robot kinematics
Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Robot kinematics Forward kinematics specifies the joint parameters and computes the configuration of the chain. For serial manipulators this is achieved by direct substitution of the joint parameters into the forward kinematics equations for the serial chain. For parallel manipulators substitution of the joint parameters into the kinematics equations requires solution of the a set of polynomial constraints to determine the set of possible end-effector locations.

9 8 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Robot kinematics
Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Robot kinematics Inverse kinematics specifies the end-effector location and computes the associated joint angles. For serial manipulators this requires solution of a set of polynomials obtained from the kinematics equations and yields multiple configurations for the chain. For parallel manipulators, the specification of the end-effector location simplifies the kinematics equations, which yields formulas for the joint parameters.

10 8 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Robot kinematics
Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Robot kinematics Forward kinematics refers to the calculation of end effector position, orientation, velocity, and acceleration when the corresponding joint values are known. Inverse kinematics refers to the opposite case in which required joint values are calculated for given end effector values, as done in path planning.

11 8 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Robot dynamics
Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Robot dynamics Forward dynamics refers to the calculation of accelerations in the robot once the applied forces are known. Forward dynamics is used in computer simulations of the robot. Inverse dynamics refers to the calculation of the actuator forces necessary to create a prescribed end-effector acceleration. This information can be used to improve the control algorithms of a robot.

12 8 Unit 2. Introduction of industrial robot Vocabulary
Part4 Kinematics and dynamics Vocabulary kinematics [,kɪnɪ'mætɪks] n.运动学;动力学 dynamics [daɪ'næmɪks] n.动力学;力学 motion ['moʃən] n.动作;移动;手势 geometry [dʒɪ'ɑmətri] n.几何学;几何结构 translation [træns'leʃən] n.翻译;译文;转化;调任 dimension [dɪˈmɛnʃən] n.规模,大小 connectivity [,kɑnɛk'tɪvɪti] n.[数] 连通性 velocity [vəˈlɑsəti] n.【物】速度 torque [tɔ:rk] n.扭转力;转(力)矩; polynomial [,pɑlɪ'nomɪəl] n.[数] 多项式; algorithm ['ælgə'rɪðəm] n.[计][数] 算法 更多免费资源


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