Parent Friend Teachers’ Association

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Friend Teachers’ Association"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Friend Teachers’ Association
St Mary’s PFTA

2 Welcome

3 Today’s Agenda Fundraising Event AOB

4 Fundraising Event – where are we at?
Made a collective decision to hold an afternoon tea event sometime in term 2 (a week or two before Easter), as a fundraiser for the school 7th April has been suggested, a Sunday (subject to school approval) Consider gathering sponsorship for tables would be a priority.

5 Areas to Consider Need a group to plan / prepare the food and hall
Need a group to gather sponsorship for each table and organise the pricing and the collection of the money Need a group to organise the stewardship of the hall and help promote the event Need to involve the pupils too – could fulfil part of coursework for them (catering / serving)

6 Areas for Discussion Need a team dedicated to the ordering / preparation of the food Need a team for PR and front-of-house / serving of food (pupils) Need a team to deal with the money / sponsorship B McGinn will manage the school side of things e.g. contact and involve the staff & pupils and use our social media to involve more parents

7 Other Proposals To maximise raising money what about an auction during it Can we get business people to sponsor the tables? Have a family theme – past & present families to have tables at this

8 When & how often to meet? For the association to meet every 5-6 weeks & aim for 6 meeting per year; Trial a 5pm with meetings lasting approx. 30mins; To build up a PFTA forum for parents unable to attend meetings but are willing to contribute to discussions and share their views with us on important matters. Proposed Dates Meeting 1 Oct 15th 2018 (Mon) Meeting 2 Nov 26th 2018 (Mon) Meeting 3 January 21st 2019 (Mon) Meeting 4 February 25th 2018 (Mon) Meeting 5 TBC Meeting 6

9 Thank you for attending today
Thank you for attending today. Spread the word and we look forward to seeing you all at the next meeting.

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