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A Framework for Comparison: S.W.O.T. Analysis Focus on NRI Pillar

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1 A Framework for Comparison: S.W.O.T. Analysis Focus on NRI Pillar
Final Project: D A Framework for Comparison: S.W.O.T. Analysis Focus on NRI Pillar

2 FINAL PROJECT: ICT Coordinator
Worth 100 points – due last day of class Consider that you have just been appointed the “ICT Coordinator” for 1 of the 8 regions that we have reviewed in class. Create a strategy to move the region forward in regards to ICT Networked Readiness. Please use concepts, frameworks and examples found in the readings (handout or your textbook). The “Plan for the Region” should be between 5 and 10 pages in length. Make sure that you explain all the factors of the environment that must be changed, radically changed or supported. Be creative however, consider resources and governments in the area. What can you change and what will meet resistance? Consider creating a SWOT analysis of the region – if you obtain this analysis from the Internet – make sure you document the source and then add your analysis to the segment.

3 SWOT Chart Chart Analysis: Assessment under a regional environment
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities Threats Assessment under a regional environment Region’s market environment High-income markets (Brazil, Mexico and Chile) Emerging markets (Costa Rica, Colombia and Uruguay) Developing, low-income markets (Bolivia, Guatemala and Haiti)

4 Build a SWOT Matrix List key internal strengths
List key internal weaknesses List key external opportunities List key external threats Match internal strengths with external opportunities and record the resultant SO Strategies in the appropriate cell. NOW – I KNOW – that on the Internet - there are many SWOT matrix recapping our various countries. If you use one of them – you MUST document –and then explain what you found!

5 Large, young Internet avid population.
Strengths Weaknesses Large, young Internet avid population. Common language and cultural identity Qualified intellectual capital at low cost Abundant potential consumers via the Internet Pervasive IT illiteracy Acute imbalances of income distribution Deficiencies in the rule of law Corruption and political instability Inefficient legislative bodies Poor venture capital infrastructure Government can jump-start usage Handful of companies committed to IT Adaptation of maquila skills US Hispanic heritage as e-commerce detonator Lucrative low income consumers with pent-up demands SME and government bureaucracies slow adaptation Political and economical instability Antiglobalization movements Potential social disturbance due to deterioration of living conditions. Opportunities Threats

6 Building a More Complex Matrix
Match internal weaknesses with external opportunities and record the resultant WO strategies Match internal strengths with external threats and record the resultant ST strategies Match internal weaknesses with external threats, and record the resultant WT strategies.

7 Always leave Blank Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W) Opportunities (O)
1. 2. List Strengths 3. Weaknesses (W) 2. List Weaknesses Opportunities (O) 2. List Opportunities SO Strategies 2. Use strengths to 3. take advantage of opportunities WO Strategies 1. Overcome 2. weaknesses by 3. taking advantage of 4. opportunities Threats (T) 2. List Threats ST Strategies 3. avoid threats WT Strategies 1. Minimize 2. weaknesses and 3. avoid threats 4.

8 Review SWOT Matrix Strengths-opportunities (SO) strategies in which the organization uses its internal strengths to take advantage of external opportunities. Weaknesses- opportunities (WO) strategies, in which the organization attempts to overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of external opportunities.

9 Continued Review Strengths-threats (ST) strategies, in which the organization uses its internal strengths to fend off external threats. Weaknesses-threats (WT) strategies, in which the organization develops approaches to reducing its internal weaknesses and avoiding external threats.

10 E X A M P L STRENGTHS 1. Profit margin increased.
2. Employee morale is high 3. New computer information system. 4. Market share has increased. WEAKNESSES 1. Legal suits have not been resolved. 2. Plant capacity has fallen. 3. Lack of strategic planning 4. Dealer incentives have not been effective. OPPORTUNITIES 1. Western European unification 2. Rising health consciousness. 3. Free markets arising in Asia. 4. US/Mexico NAFTA STRATEGIES (SO) 1. Acquire food company in Europe. 2. Build plant in Mexico. 3. Develop new healthy soups. STRATEGIES (WO) 1. Form a joint venture to distribute soup in Europe. 2. Develop new ethnic products. 3. Create a plan for markets in Asia. THREATS 1. Unstable economies in Asia. 2. Tin cans are not biodegradable. 3. Low value of the dollar. STRATEGIES (ST) 1. Develop new microwave TV dinners. 2. Develop new biodegradable soup containers. STRATEGIES (WT) 1. Close unprofitable European plants. 2. Diversify into non-soup foods. E X A M P L

11 F R A M E W O K Environment Readiness Usage Impact
Political & Regulatory Business and Innovation Readiness Infrastructure & digital content Affordability Skills Usage Government Business Individual Impact Economic Social Impacts

12 10 Pillars Pillar 1 – Political and Regulatory Environment
Pillar 2 – Business and Innovation Environment Pillar 3 – Infrastructure Pillar 4 – Affordability Pillar 5 – Skills Pillar 6 – Individual Usage Pillar 7 – Business Usage Pillar 8 – Government Usage Pillar 9 – Economic Impacts Pillar 10 – Social Impacts. PDF 2015 page 14

13 Environment Subindex Political and Regulatory Business and Innovation
Assesses the extent to which a country’s market conditions and regulatory framework support entrepreneurship, innovation, and ICT development. Political and Regulatory Business and Innovation The Political and regulatory environment pillar measures the extent of intellectual property rights protection, prevalence of software piracy, the efficiency and independence of the judiciary, the efficiency of the law-making process, and the overall quality of regulations pertaining to ICTs. The Business and Innovation environment pillar gauges the support of entrepreneurship by taking into account measures of red tape, the ease of starting a business, and taxation. It measures the conditions that allow innovation to flourish by including indicators on the overall availability of technology, the intensity of competition, the demand conditions for innovative products and the availability of venture capital for funding. Environment

14 Readiness Subindex Measures the extent to which a country has in place the infrastructure and other factors supporting the uptake of ICTs. Infrastructure Skills Affordability Infrastructure pillar capture the state of a country’ ICT infrastructure as well as infrastructure that matters for ICT development; mobile network coverage, international Internet bandwidth, secure Internet server, and electricity production. Affordability pillar assesses the affordability of ICTs in a country through measures of mobile telephony usage costs and broadband Internet subscription costs. More intense competition tends to reduce retail prices in the long run. The Skills pillar measures the capacity of the population to make effective use of ICTs by taking into account the enrollment rate in secondary education, the overall quality of the education system, and of mathematics and science education in particular, and adult literacy. Environment

15 Usage Subindex Assesses the extent of ICT adoption by a society’s main stakeholders: Government, businesses, and individuals. Individual Government Business The Individual Usage pillar measures the level of diffusion among a country’s population, using mobile telephony penetration. Internet usage, personal computer ownership and the use of social networks. The Business Usage pillar captures the extent to which businesses in a country use the Internet for business-to-business and business-to-consumer operations, as well as their efforts to integrate ICTs in their operations. It also takes into account the number of patent applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The Government Usage pillar assesse the leadership and success of the government in developing and implementing strategies for ICT development, as well as in using ICTs, as measured by the availability and quality of government online services. Environment

16 Impact Subindex Economic Social
Gauges the broad economic and social impacts accruing from ICTs. Economic Social The Economic Impacts pillar aims to measure the effect of ICTs on the economy through technological and non-technological innovations in a country and the development of patents and new products, processes, and organizational models. The Social Impact pillar aims to assess a country’s societal progress brought about or enhanced by the use of ICTs. Currently, because of data limitations, this pillar focuses on assessing the extent to which ICTs allow access to basic services such as education, financial and health care. Environment

17 NRI Pillars Select one SubIndex –and explain the concept and then your strategy to improve the country. I need to hear your voice within the content. Make sure you cite your sources.

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