Water of: Southwest & Central Asia

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Presentation on theme: "Water of: Southwest & Central Asia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water of: Southwest & Central Asia

2 What will we learn today?
Where we live influences how we live Take a look at these two pictures, what do you see? Discuss with your partner, what you see and how particular items maybe make up a region.

3 Formal Region: has clear boundaries
Physical Region Southwest Asia (the Middle East or Persian Gulf) Formal Region: has clear boundaries

4 What is the major Climate of SW & Central Asia
What is the major Climate of SW & Central Asia? With your partner, discuss the answer.

5 Because SWANA is primarily desert or steppe, this region of the world has very little precipitation and ground water

6 Irrigation Water is a scarce resource in Southwest Asia.
It doesn't’t rain often, so to grow food farmers must water or irrigate their crops. Saudi Arabian Irrigation

7 Construction of dams-HEI
To meet the needs of large farms and growing populations, countries must construct dams and irrigation systems. Watch the Turkey video clip on the large scale dam project. With your partner, what are the pros and cons of building this dam.

8 Geography and Trade Israel’s economy is strong because of geography and trade. Israel’s access to the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea has helped its economy Israel has trade access to Europe and East Asia

9 Suez canal Important waterway Connects the Mediterranean & Red Seas
Shortens the travel distance between Europe and Asia

10 Geography and Trade Not all countries in Southwest Asia have access to the sea Afghanistan is landlocked Makes trade much more difficult for Afghanistan

11 But Not a Drop to Drink. Despite the ample water supply in the region, Southwest Asia has limited Fresh water supplies. Solutions to the scarcity of water- 1. Desalinization- A process that removes salt from sea water. Watch the video clip on desalinizaton. .

12 Jordan River Conflict-Provides one of the most precious resources in the entire area to Syria, Israel, Jordan.. Huge conflict over water rights…. Competition for water Who owns what??

13 The Dead Sea-the jordan river flows into the dead sea
The Dead Sea-the jordan river flows into the dead sea. The dead sea is a landlocked salt lake that is 1,349 ft below sea level. (lowest place on the earth) Conflict over the Dead Sea

14 The Dead sea You can float!!!! 8.6 times saltier than any ocean.
No life can exist in the ocean.

15 There is a global issue with water!

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