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PROTESTANT REFORMATION The Reformation was a major development in the Christian world when the Pope begins to lose power in Europe and, for the first.

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Presentation on theme: "PROTESTANT REFORMATION The Reformation was a major development in the Christian world when the Pope begins to lose power in Europe and, for the first."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROTESTANT REFORMATION The Reformation was a major development in the Christian world when the Pope begins to lose power in Europe and, for the first time since Constantine’s Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.), the Bible takes center stage in the Christian conversation and politics.

2 Invented movable parts in the
Johann Gutenberg Invented movable parts in the Printing Press

3 Catholic Church Dissatisfaction Too much ritual Wealth Corruption

4 Catholic Church Indulgences

5 Catholic Church Indulgences Excessive Excommunication

6 Catholic Church Indulgences Excessive Excommunication Inquisition

7 Catholic Church Indulgences Excessive Excommunication Inquisition

8 John Wycliffe "The Morning Star of the Reformation“
1382 – Wycliffe Bible "The Morning Star of the Reformation“ Anti-Christ and hierarchy of the church were the same Translated the Latin Vulgate into English (Wycliffe's Bible)

9 John Huss The First Church reformer
Prague (Czech) The First Church reformer Charles University (Prague) Burned at the stake for heresy (1415)

10 John Huss Hussite War (1419 – 1434) Prague (Czech)
Hussite Revolution, was fought between the Christian Hussites and the combined Catholic forces the Holy Roman Emperor, the Papacy and various European monarchs loyal to the Catholic Church vs various Hussite factions, The Hussite community included most of the Czech population of the Kingdom of Bohemia and formed a major spontaneous military power. They defeated five consecutive crusades proclaimed against them by the Pope (1420, 1421, 1422, 1427, 1431), and intervened in the wars of neighboring countries. The Hussite Wars were notable for the extensive use of early hand-held firearms such as hand cannons. The fighting ended after 1434, when the Hussites agreed to submit to the authority of the King of Bohemia and the Roman Catholic Church, and were allowed to practice their somewhat variant rite.

11 Martin Luther Saxony, GERMANY - Holy Roman Empire Early 1500’s
95 Theses

12 Martin Luther Saxony, GERMANY - Holy Roman Empire Early 1500’s
95 Theses Faith Alone, Not works

13 Martin Luther Saxony, GERMANY - Holy Roman Empire Early 1500’s
95 Theses Faith Alone, Not works Bible is THE Authority

14 Martin Luther Saxony, GERMANY - Holy Roman Empire Early 1500’s
95 Theses Retained two sacraments Infant Baptism Communion

15 Martin Luther Saxony, GERMANY - Holy Roman Empire Early 1500’s
95 Theses Banned Indulgences Confession

16 Martin Luther Eisleben, Saxony, GERMANY - Holy Roman Empire 1521
Diet of Worms (Trial in Worms, Germany) The Inquisition “I cannot recant” Too popular to burn at the stake Excommunicated

17 Pope/Holy Roman Emperor
Lutheran Civil war Pope/Holy Roman Emperor vs German Princes Some call it a religous war… In reality, Independence from Emperor for German Princes Peasant revolts vs Landlords Lutheran Peasant vs Catholic Peasant

18 Peace of Augsburg 1555 Northern Europe - Protestant
Southern Europe - Catholic Colonization led to Catholics in Central America Protestantism in North America

19 Henry VIII England Once proclaimed defender of the faith by the Pope Henry would begin fighting the Pope after the Pope refused to allow Henry to divorce his wife, Catherine of Aragon Supreme Head of the Church of England was a title created in 1531. The Act of Supremacy of 1534 confirmed the King's status as having supremacy over the church and required the nobility to swear an oath recognizing Henry's supremacy.

20 Queen Elizabeth I England - 1559
1553: Queen Mary I reversed Henry’s decision when she restored Roman Catholicism as the state religion, and the Pope became head of the church once again. 1559: Queen Elizabeth wished to create a new moderate religious settlement derived from Henry VIII's break from Rome. She established the Church of England in 1559.

21 John Calvin Geneva (Switzerland) Set up a Theocracy
1536 the city adopted religious reform: monasteries were dissolved Mass was abolished Papal authority renounced .

22 Menno Simons Anabaptist (Mennonites – Amish) Friesland, Lower Dutch 1537
Persecuted from the earliest days by ALL… Catholics – they opposed Church and Tradition Reformers - they were a threat to the reformed social order

23 Menno Simons Anabaptist (Mennonites – Amish) Friesland, Lower Dutch 1537
Key Point…. Denial of Infant Baptism – a voluntary faith meant a voluntary political leadership… denied the foundation for the state-church system.

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