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reject Freudian theories concerning the power of the unconscious

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1 reject Freudian theories concerning the power of the unconscious
The Humanists reject Freudian theories concerning the power of the unconscious personality is set by need to reach human potential  SELF-ACTUALIZATION Abraham Maslow humans are good driven by need better oneself  growth free to choose not controlled by environment and/or unconscious instincts  self-awareness Carl Rogers Viktor Frankl

2 Abraham Maslow fairly normal guy Jewish, but did not deal with issues faced by Freud, et. al. born in Brooklyn went to grad University of Wisconsin worked with Dr. Harry Harlow and his experiments on the rhesus monkeys - fascinated by need for love - theorized we must satisfy certain needs before we can attain self-actualization

3 Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Self-Actualization Esteem Needs Love and Belonging Needs Security Needs Physical/Basic Needs First 4 set of needs are deficiency needs  we lack them & external

4 Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs Qualities of a Self-Actualized Person Focus on others and not self appreciate little things in life realistic about self & others independent  not reliant on others spontaneous peak experiences Identified Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Mahatma Gandhi, and…

5 Carl Rogers again, nothing particularly special about his background father of client-centered therapy focus is on client client drives therapy NOT ABOUT THERAPIST!!!!! terms to know: self-actualizing tendency  push to become best person possible self-concept  our self image; what we think about ourselves genetic blueprint what we are capable of doing; innate capabilities fully functioning person  goal of all people - when our self-concept matches with our innate capabilities

6 Carl Rogers So, how does one get to “fully functioning? get into state of congruence when we have a balance between our abilities and expectations BUT HOW DO WE GET THAT? well, I’ll tell you – get unconditional positive regard/love, that’s how! complete acceptance & love for who we are regardless of our behavior unfortunately, most of the time we get conditional positive regard/love acceptance & love only when we meet some standard of behavior

7 Carl Rogers so, most of the time we get into a state of incongruence - self-concept does not match our abilities and we feel we are underachieving or inferior what is the cause of incongruence? - mixed signals from parents - destructive influence of educational system - injustice over distribution of wealth - prejudice What do we do? Client-Centered Therapy Therapist completely accepts client and allows client to self-determine

8 perhaps the most fascinating background of the theorists
Viktor Frankl perhaps the most fascinating background of the theorists survivor of Holocaust performed a number of roles in camps (including Auschwitz) from physician to psychiatrist to slave laborer those who died in concentration camps have some responsibilities in their own demise - finding meaning to life is key to developing human potential - surviviors found meaning in helping those less fortunate in the concentration camps

9 Viktor Frankl Founder of Existential Psychology Four Principles 1. Life is Being 2. Life is a process of Becoming 3. Life has choices and we must take Responsibility for these choices 4. Happiness comes from taking responsibility Existential Vacuum – thwarts us in finding meaning and purpose in life

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