Shibboleth Architecture and Requirements

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1 Shibboleth Architecture and Requirements
Nate Klingenstein Internet2 Copyright Nate Klingenstein, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

2 Overview Shibboleth as implemented Key concepts in the code
Identity Provider (IDP) structure, components, and functionality Service Provider (SP) structure, components, and functionality Federation functionality Deployment guidelines & resources 5/14/2019 2

3 The Architecture of Shibboleth
Resource WAYF Identity Provider Service Provider Web Site 1 ACS 3 2 HS 5 6 7 User DB Credentials 4 AR Handle 8 9 AA Attributes 10 Manager © SWITCH 5/14/2019 3

4 Shibboleth: The Project, the Architecture, and the Code
Project encompasses design, direction Architecture describes what a Shibboleth implementation should do Code is “An” implementation of the architecture In the code, some logical architectural components combined; others don’t exist; some exist in strange form RM functionality exists in several places Cubist implementation 5/14/2019 4

5 Shibboleth as Implemented by Internet2
Java IdP, C++ SP for Apache and IIS, Java SP in development Extremely flexible and modular Built on included OpenSAML; supports SAML 1.0, 1.1, and will support 2.0 Supports Browser/POST profile Artifact will be supported in 1.3 Other implementations exist Three total implementations as of 5/14/2019 5

6 Key Concepts SAML Attributes in an Inter-Realm Context
ProviderID’s & Relying Parties Attribute Release Policies (ARP’s) Attribute Acceptance Policies (AAP’s) 5/14/2019 6

7 SAML Security Assertion Markup Language
Codified by OASIS’ SSTC with participation from MACE and other bodies Defines XML schema for Authentication and Attribute Assertions and XML schema for Queries and Responses Defines bindings to protocols for transport v2.0 expands to include concepts from Liberty Alliance 5/14/2019 7

8 Attributes in an Inter-Realm Context
Provided by IdP, validated and evaluated by SP Converted to SAML form for transport Federations guide usage of common attributes and values, e.g. eduPerson, courseID Others defined within bilateral relationships Who can assert which attributes? What level of assurance is there that this data is accurate? 5/14/2019 8

9 LDAP to SAML as performed by AA
objectclass: eduPerson dn: uid=magneto, ou=people, dc=supervillain, dc=edu eduPersonAffiliation: staff SAML: <Attribute xmlns:typens="urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0" AttributeName="urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonScopedAffiliation" AttributeNamespace="urn:mace:shibboleth:1.0:attributeNamespace:uri"> <AttributeValue Scope=”" xsi:type="typens:AttributeValueType"> staff </AttributeValue> </Attribute> Focus on AttributeName, scope 5/14/2019 9

10 ProviderID’s and Relying Parties
ProviderID’s are the basic atoms of inter-realm policy and trust; the molecule is the enterprise URI (, or Each SP or IdP may support multiple providerId’s Must be carefully defined; defines distributed use of enterprise Shibboleth infrastructure Care must be taken when defining providerID’s for single or multiple federation use A Relying Party is the other end in a transaction, and may represent an individual site or a collection of sites Does that make the federation the solution? Stress difference between providerID’s and URL’s 5/14/2019 10

11 Attribute Release Policies (ARP’s)
Policies at the IdP governing the release of attributes to various SP providerID’s ARP’s limit attributes released to a relying party on a per-site or per-user basis matched against a providerID Can match individual targets, groups of targets, or regular expressions; supports both positive and negative attribute rules 5/14/2019 11

12 ARP Example <Rule> <Target> <AnyTarget/>
<Attribute name=“urn:mace:dir:attribute-def:eduPersonScopedAffiliation”> <AnyValue release=“permit”/> </Attribute> </Rule> 5/14/2019 12

13 Attribute Acceptance Policies (AAP’s)
AAP’s filter received attributes before they are used by applications or as part of access control decisions Also enforces privacy by limiting information available to agents using the SHAR to make requests Partial answer to who can assert which attributes Collectively define the set of attributes available to the resource manager to make access decisions require eduPersonScopedAffiliation -- ARP engine locates all relevant ARPs and dynamically constructs an "effective ARP" 5/14/2019 13

14 Garbage Collection AA converts attributes for inter-realm use filtered by ARP’s chosen by the relying party’s providerID SAML transports attributes; processed by AAP’s Together, help define total set of information in a Shibboleth transaction 5/14/2019 14

15 Simplified Identity Service Provider Architecture
WAYF Shibboleth IdP Authentication Service Target HS AA Attribute Store (LDAP) Identity Management / Provisioning 5/14/2019 15

16 Simplified Identity Provider Architecture
Apache WebISO Tomcat Shibboleth HS Connectors Target Shibboleth AA ARP’s Attribute Store 5/14/2019 16

17 HS Mechanics & Interfaces
The HS generates handles and authentication assertions per relying party Any authentication method that can protect a webapp works; must populate REMOTE_USER with principal Outside of Shibboleth’s concern Required part of the surrounding infrastructure Shibboleth as SSO? Would still require login piece 5/14/2019 17

18 AA Mechanics & Interfaces
Attributes can be sourced through LDAP directories, MySQL databases, or any other source with a JDBC connector Custom attribute classes may be written in Java to generate attributes or interface with complex systems Frequently deployed on a separate port or server; distinct service from the HS, responds directly to AR requests All attributes filtered by ARP’s before released 5/14/2019 18

19 Required Campus Middleware Infrastructure
Person management -- identity & login Attributes, attributes, attributes Shibboleth isn’t very valuable without the right information to transport about the right principals Level of Assurance begins at home Your assertions are only as good as your I&A and mechanics This really starts to matter in inter-realm scenarios Firewall configuration may be necessary The stuff we’ve talked about for years… 5/14/2019 19

20 System Requirements Tested with Tomcat
Apache 1.3 or 2.0 with SSL Support Java JDK v1.4 mod_jk2 Server loads not severe; signing by far the heaviest operation 5/14/2019 20

21 Simplified (Apache-based) Service Provider Architecture
mod_ssl OpenSSL mod_shib WAYF Origin MySQL Session DB 5/14/2019 21

22 Service Provider Request Mapping Architecture
Web Server Webapps, pages, files, etc. AAP’s and access decisions Lazy Session Initiation ProviderID Bob pID Scott Attribute Release, Policy Atom App Alpha Request Plinko App Beta App Theta Sessions, Most Settings URL 1 URL 2 URL 3 URL 4 Externally Visible Resources Resource Requests 5/14/2019 22

23 Applications, ProviderID’s, and Webapps
Decouples internal applications from externally visible services Access controls can be defined at many granularities Rules must be simple right now More complicated rules engines (XACML, SPOCP, complex XML booleans) under consideration/development Much of this should be hidden from users 5/14/2019 23

24 Lazy Sessions Allows an application to call for Shibboleth when needed without requiring Shibboleth for all access Construct a special URL Handle generation & attribute transport occur as usual 5/14/2019 24

25 Attribute Consumption and Use
Exported via HTTP header variables Other information about the Shibboleth transaction available in header values Simple RM functionality included for Apache; using .htaccess, <Location> blocks, etc., require attribute values. Limited policy expression. 5/14/2019 25

26 System Requirements Built successfully on OS X 10.3, Solaris 2.8+, Debian, RedHat 7.2, 7.3, 9, Fedora, Enterprise, Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 Binaries available for Windows; RPM’s available for RedHat Apache 1.3 or 2.0 with SSL Support, or IIS 4.0+ OpenSSL Many prerequisite packages must be built 5/14/2019 26

27 Logging & Auditing All transactions can be logged; flat-file logging and log4j/log4cpp both supported Multiple logging levels The user’s privacy is preserved; so is their identity Federation may help define practices: some information storage requirements for SP’s may require co-operation from IdP’s. Decision logic may be hidden at either the IdP or SP by constructive use of attributes UTHSC-H example 5/14/2019 27

28 Federations in Practice
May provide a WAYF Service Defines attribute & trust rules May issue certificates to participants Distributes 3 metadata files: ca-bundle.crt sites.xml trust.xml 5/14/2019 28

29 The Code of Shibboleth Service Provider Identity Provider Web Site
Resource WAYF Identity Provider Service Provider Web Site 1 ACS 3 2 HS 5 6 7 User DB Credentials 4 AR Handle 8 9 AA Attributes 10 Manager © SWITCH 5/14/2019 29

30 Current Development Shibboleth 1.2.1 released on Tuesday
Shibboleth 1.3 early 2005 Reduces reliance on mod_ssl e-Auth, compliance WS-Fed compliance in 1.3.x Shibboleth 2.0, using SAML 2.0, represents greatly enhanced functionality; work begins after 1.3 is released Shibboleth project will be segmented and expanded Extended beyond the web; some flows may not use HS 5/14/2019 30

31 Deployment Guidelines
Extensive Apache/IIS Experience Supports redundant production configurations Dedicated servers likely not necessary Surrounding infrastructure must be developed Primary authentication & WebSSO Attribute sources Enable webapps Good security practices Shibboleth expertise can be developed while in InQueue 5/14/2019 31

32 Deployment Resources
Origin: Target: 5/14/2019 32

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