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You need: Clean paper / Pencil Excretory model (to check)

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1 You need: Clean paper / Pencil Excretory model (to check) Heart diagram/notes Warm Up: Why are the skin and lungs included in the excretory system? I CAN: identify the parts and function of the circulatory systems. Feb. 6, 2019

2 Review Contact Ms.Garris
Phone = (919) ext Written note…but bring it to me before/after class!! =

3 Review Be the positive. It takes many “put-ups” to cancel a “put-down.”

4 Review Check your desk. Please be INTENTIONAL!
Place, don’t toss/throw. Think about noise.

5 MRS NERG-C Review M - Movement R – Respirations
S – Sensitivity (responds to stimulus) N – Nutrition / nutrients E - Excretion R – Reproduces G - Growth C - Cells

6 Review Body Organization Organism Organ System Organ Tissue Cell

7 Organs are organized into ORGAN SYSTEMS!
Review Organs are organized into ORGAN SYSTEMS! An ORGAN SYSTEM is a group of organs that work together to perform a major job. Examples: Circulatory System Digestive System Skeletal System ORGAN SYSTEM ORGANS TISSUES CELLS

8 Review What is HOMEOSTASIS?
HOMEOSTASIS is how your body maintains an INTERNAL BALANCE. It keeps your body STABLE in spite of changes OUTSIDE YOUR BODY. Example: Your body keeps CONSTANT TEMPERATURE no matter what the outside temperature.

9 Review The Digestive System

10 The Digestive System (Flip to the back of your notes)
Review The Digestive System (Flip to the back of your notes) The digestive system has 3 main functions: It breaks down food into particles that the body can use. It absorbs nutrients into the blood. It eliminates waste from the body. Mouth Esophagus

11 Categories of NUTRIENTS
Review Categories of NUTRIENTS Water - most important because other stuff can dissolve into it. “Water soluble” Minerals Vitamins Fat Carbohydrates Proteins ** You may need to write the list on your notes.**


13 REVIEW Excretory System Fluid’s

14 Main Function: REVIEW The system of the body that collects waste produced by cells and removes the wastes from the body. (also known as: excretion)

15 Structures of the excretory system
REVIEW Structures of the excretory system Kidneys – (2) filter blood Ureters – 2 narrow tubes that leading from the kidneys to the bladder Urinary Bladder-fist sized pouch (muscular sac) that holds about 2 cups of urine Urethra – exit tube

16 What happens in the Nephrons?
REVIEW What happens in the Nephrons? Just to review… Materials and wastes go through the tubes Protein, glucose, most water, and some other materials return to the blood Wastes and small amounts of water stay and are excreted

17 Homeostasis with Excretion
REVIEW Excretion maintains homeostasis by keeping the body’s internal environment stable and free of harmful levels of chemicals. Kidneys Lungs and Skin Liver

18 REVIEW The Excretory system Eliminates waste from the body.




22 REVIEW Schoolhouse Rock Do the Circulation

23 What does it do for us? Our circulatory system…
Delivers necessary materials (like oxygen and sugar) to the entire body in the blood, Removes waste products from cells, and Helps fight disease by transporting immune cells in the blood.

24 So, the detailed path of blood in your body would look like this:
From Body Right Atrium Right Ventricle To Lungs From Lung Left Atrium Left Ventricle To Body Lung Body

25 Heart labels Sup. Vena Cava AORTA To LUNGS To LUNGS Left Right atrium
From LUNGS From LUNGS Right Ventricle Left Ventricle Inf. Vena Cava

26 What carries the blood? BLOOD VESSELS are the hollow tubes that carry your blood around your body. There are 3 TYPES: ARTERIES CAPILLARIES VEINS

27 What is your blood? Red Blood Cells carry oxygen.
White blood cells fight disease. Platelets form blood clots to stop you from bleeding too much.

28 BrainPop Click here. They have a video about the Circulatory System.
Watch the video (maybe twice). Answer the quiz questions…then do the paper version.

29 So what happens if you don’t take care of your circulatory system?
Not enough good stuff to your body Build up of bad stuff in your body Heart Attack! (about 20 min- youtube video linked for Thursday)

30 Are there any questions?

31 4th period only 4th needs to hear/see the afternoon announcements. I’ve asked Destiny B and Muntasir to help with the computer as needed. Link to the announcements here – or use a google window to open.

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