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Your need for food Activity:

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1 Your need for food Activity:
List five foods you like and five you dislike. Next to each food, write a reason why you like or dislike it. 3 minutes about with each person reading what they wrote down. I will write the list on the board for class to see.

2 Why do you eat? Your physical health Your environment Your emotions

3 Your Physical Health Physical reasons why/how we eat:
Survival Growth Energy Fitness Basic needs in life: Food, air and water Basic needs in life – feeling hungry is your body’s signal that it needs more food; after you eat the feeling goes away b/c you satisfied your body’s need for food.

4 Eating well Active life-style Nutritious diet Energy and stamina
Right types and amount of food Nutritious diet Growth and maintenance of healthy body Mental alertness Reduces health risks Adds to quality and length of life 6 out of 10 leading causes of death in US linked to food

5 Your environment: CULTURE
Food choices reflect: Culture you live in Ethnic background Religious beliefs Teenage culture What are some food practices associated with the “teenage culture”? Discuss with class teenage culture.

6 Your environment: ADVERTISING
TV, magazines, newspapers and billboards Shape food decisions Make you aware of certain foods and benefits What food have you recently tried due to an ad? Class answers question.

7 Your environment: ADVERTISING
Do your research People tend to believe what they read or hear without researching on their own. Ads do not always tell the full truth Ex: An ad may say that the food is low in fat but it does not mention that it is high in calories.

8 Your environment: ADVERTISING
Power of persuasion Advertisers spend millions of dollars to persuade consumers Ways they persuade you: Status Sex appeal Weight loss Appearance Ways to persuade you: alcohol and beer ads use status, appearance and sex appeal; desert ads use sex appeal; diet foods use weight loss, etc.

9 Your environment: ADVERTISING
Be skeptical Inform yourself about food and health Listen and judge advertisement carefully Control what foods you buy and eat – not the advertisers Supplements – NOT FDA APPROVED!!! YXpZo Show YouTube video from “Bigger, Faster, Stronger” – shows danger of supplements AND misused advertisements

10 Your environment: Time and money
What are factors that influence food shopping? Busy life-styles Cook and eat quickly Fast food Microwave meals Already pre-pared meals at grocery stores and mini marts Choose more nutritious foods rather than skipping meals How has cost affected food decisions that you have made? Factors: cost, convenience, taste, nutrition, and food safety according to consumer studies – create list on board with class. Cost: discuss with class, whole food versus processed foods; organic versus non-organic foods

11 Your emotions Eating habits ties to emotions Boredom Stress
Frustration Depression Social events sports, celebrations, holidays, etc. Fun

12 Your emotions Emotions: Pay attention to your eating habits Overeating
Tension, boredom, stress, frustration, social events Loss of appetite Stress, depression Loss of essential nutrients Pay attention to your eating habits Be aware of emotions tied to eating Make more healthy food choices

13 Nutrition throughout your life
Nutrition is essential for health Before you were born Infant Child Teen Young adult Middle age adult Older adult

14 Nutrition throughout your life
Different needs at different stages of your life At each age you needed the same nutrients Amounts fluctuate as you grow Younger ages need more nutrients to grow Adults need less nutrients Metabolism and decreased activity = less calories Nutrients are still important Knowing what your body needs during your life is key to your health

15 Nutrition and Adolescence
Period of fastest growth in lifetime Very active as well Good nutrition important for growth and energy Teenage tendencies: Skip meals High-fat and/or sugary foods Evaluate your eating habits Identify food choices you can control Food changes you need to make Food choices that affect your overall health and level of performance Promote your health by making wise food choices

16 Review questions Describe factors that influence food choices, and give three examples. How do your nutritional needs differ between your teenage years and adulthood? Have class write down answers if there is time, if not use as an example of assessment.

17 Reflection: How have your culture and family influenced your food habits? (write in your health journal at home) Class will not actually do this.

18 Homework Evaluate five food advertisements on the radio or TV. Discuss the approach each on uses to influence your food choices. (minimum of five paragraphs) Example of homework – class will not do this

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