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Charles Rubenstein Candidate for 2017 IEEE-USA President-Elect

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Presentation on theme: "Charles Rubenstein Candidate for 2017 IEEE-USA President-Elect"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charles Rubenstein Candidate for 2017 IEEE-USA President-Elect
IEEE Region 3 Meeting 2 April 2016 Norfolk Waterside Marriott Norfolk, VA

2 Who am I? Tenured, full professor at Pratt Institute
Second Web Design textbook (August 2014) Served on all IEEE major Boards except the Standards Association HONORED FOR MY IEEE SERVICE WITH: IEEE-USA: Robert S. Walleigh Award, Citation of Honor, Division Activities Award IEEE Millenium Medal and Centennial Award Honorary AdCom Member: TEMS

3 Major IEEE-USA Roles Chair, Conferences Committee (2012-present)
Treasurer, Future Leaders Forum (2015-present) Member, IEEE-USA Board (2003, 2008, ) Chair, Division PACE Committee ( ) Member, PACE Committee ( ) Coordinator, Division VI PACE (1999-present) Speaker, S-PAC/M-PAC Program (1999-present) Participant, Congressional Visits Day CVD (2012 and 2015 CVDs)

4 My Priorities as your IEEE-USA President?
Working to revamp H-1B and address its abuses = US JOBS! GROW the US Membership by Revitalizing our PACE Network USA 4 PACE Empowering Students, Young Professionals, WIE and Life Members through professional activities training and networking Positioning IEEE-USA as a catalyst in technology-related global policy issues Expanding IEEE-USA Conference offerings

5 Personal Best IEEE-USA Achievements: -- IEEE-USA Conferences Portfolio
First Chair of IEEE-USA Conferences Committee Created Conferences Calendar web page and quarterly IEEE-USA ConferenceBrief eNewsletter Managed an effective and successful Annual Meeting and created the Conference on Innovations in Technology (InnoTek 2014) with a combined surplus over $24,000 Created several new IEEE-USA co-sponsored conferences (ETHICS, NewNEB, R1/R2 WIE Summit East) - We now partner with Regions and Sections; PES; several Division VI Societies (TEMS, EdSoc, SSIT); UFFC, ITSS, VTS, and other technical activities Ous Generating >$30,000/yr in conference surpluses

6 Together we can accomplish anything!
Rethinking To be more Nimble, Flexible, and Forward-looking !

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