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The Oceanids “…for there are three thousand neat-ankled daughters of Ocean who are dispersed far and wide, and in every place alike serve the earth and.

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Presentation on theme: "The Oceanids “…for there are three thousand neat-ankled daughters of Ocean who are dispersed far and wide, and in every place alike serve the earth and."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Oceanids “…for there are three thousand neat-ankled daughters of Ocean who are dispersed far and wide, and in every place alike serve the earth and the deep waters, children who are glorious among goddesses…” Hesiod “Theogony” By Michela Tambasco

2 The Oceanids were all daughters of Oceanus and his wife Tethys.

3 Tethys was one of the Titan offspring's of Uranus and Gaia
Tethys was one of the Titan offspring's of Uranus and Gaia. Her Titan siblings are Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Cronus. Tethys married her brother, Oceanus, and was the mother of numerous sons, who were river gods, and numerous daughters, known as the Oceanids.

4 The Oceanids were three thousand goddess-nymphs who supervised the earth's fresh-water.

5 There are Nephelai, Aurai, Naiades, Leimonides, and Anthousai Nymphs.

6 The Oceanids home is the River Oceanus and earth.

7 The Oceanids symbol is a water-pitcher.

8 A different group of Oceanids were handmaidens of the Olympian goddesses, the most well known of these were the sixty Okeanis companions of Artemis, Peitho the handmaiden of Aphrodite, and Klymene the handmaiden of Hera. Some of the Oceanids personified blessings like Metis(Wisdom), Klymene(Fame), Plouto(Wealth), Tykhe(Good Fortune), Telesto(Success), and Peitho(Persuasion.)

9 Most-Well known Oceanides Metis- Zeus first wife who he had Athena with and then swallowed. Eurynome- Zeus third wife and mother of the Charites. Clymene- Wife of Iapetus and mother to Atlas, Menoetius, Prometheus, and Epimetheus. Styx- Wife of Pallas and mother of Zelus, Nike, Kratos, and Bia.

10 Metis is mother of wisdom and deep thought
Metis is mother of wisdom and deep thought. Metis was the one to give Zeus a potion that caused Cronus to vomit out Zeus siblings. Zeus feared Metis and the prophecy of a child over throwing him. So, Zeus tricked her into turning into a fly and swallowed her. But, Metis was already pregnant with Athena.

11 During the Titan war, Styx, sided with Zeus
During the Titan war, Styx, sided with Zeus. After the war he promised every oath be sworn upon her. Styx had miraculous powers and could make someone invulnerable. Achilles was dipped in the river by his mother during his childhood, acquiring invulnerability, with exception of his heel, by which his mother held him with. His heel was where he was struck and killed by Paris' arrow in the Trojan War.

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