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The Massachusetts Colonies

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1 The Massachusetts Colonies

2 The Massachusetts Colonies
Write down everything you remember about the Pilgrims. Why did the Pilgrims come to Massachusetts? What is a separatist?

3 The Massachusetts Colonies
The Reformation 1517 Martin Luther posts his 95 theses (arguments) for reform of the Catholic Church No more Indulgences (paid passes to heaven) More personal relationship with God Priests should be allowed to marry Leads to a splintering of the Church into Protestants and Catholics Wars between followers of each plague all of Europe

4 The Massachusetts Colonies
Anglicans 1534 Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy starts the Church of England Queen Elizabeth created the Anglican church in 1559 as a great compromise Puritans wanted to “purify” the Anglican church of it’s Catholic elements Separatists purification was impossible The only solution was separation

5 The Massachusetts Colonies
The Pilgrims Facing persecution for their beliefs moved to Holland in 1608 struggled to find work Concerned children were becoming too “Dutch” Were approached by the London company to start a new colony in Virginia Were perfect because they were desperate Set out in 1620 with the idea of setting up a colony similar to Jamestown **

6 Protestant Movements A Frenchman educated in law
Forced to flee France due to persecution of Protestants Believed in a literal reading of the bible. Anything not contained in the bible was to be rejected not only should all religious belief be founded on the literal reading of the bible, but so should: church organization, political organization, society itself John Calvin

7 Protestant Movements Calvinism
A religion that taught predestination or that God has chosen a special group of believers for salvation. Calvin called these believers “the elect” Followers of Calvinism were likely to be predestined for heaven. Calvin's brand of reform eventually became the dominant branch of Protestantism from the seventeenth century onwards Calvinism was a very big influence on the Puritans who settled New England

8 Protestant Movements Calvin and his supporters took control of the city in 1540. Calvin hoped to make Geneva a model city of highly moral citizens All law stems from the bible Everyone attended religion class No bright colors or card playing No dancing or gambling It became the most important Protestant center of Europe in the sixteenth century Protestants driven out of their native countries came to Geneva to take refuge Geneva Switzerland

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