Student Behavior & It’s Effects On School Culture

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Presentation on theme: "Student Behavior & It’s Effects On School Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Behavior & It’s Effects On School Culture
Bernie Sammons University of New England Dr. William Doughty Educational Leadership- EDU 701 November 24, 2012

2 SCHOOL CULTURE Higher performing schools, those that consistently have high student achievement, share a common trait. This trait is a school culture that encourages all to work towards a common goal.

3 School Culture continued
A successful school culture makes staff, teachers, students and parents feel that they are important. This culture makes all believe their contributions are valued and recognized.

4 Challenges for Administrators
All administrators will be faced with challenges such as: school violence discipline issues attendance issues tardiness

5 Steps for resolving Issues
Before any problems can be resolved, they must first be identified. Identification and research will be done by speaking with staff, parents and students. Once a problem has been identified, both its positive and negative effects must be communicated. Next, those affected must be identified. Now, a focus group consisting of members representing all groups affected must be created.

6 Steps for Resolving Issues- Continued
Following the creation of a focus group, a meeting must be held to discuss issues facing the organization. After identifying issues at hand, discuss ways to correct the issues. Narrow possible solutions to top 2-3 for each issue. After careful consideration, leader will decide which possible solutions to implement. The manager(principal) will thank all participants for their input & assistance.

7 Steps for Resolving Issues- continued
Once solutions have been identified, communicate them to all affected parties. Ensure that all parties take ownership of their roles in implementing solutions. Follow up in timely manner, review the success or failure of implemented solutions. Thank all parties for their role in the successful resolution of issues facing the organization.

8 Case Scenario As a new administrator, I first look for the good things that are taking place at our school. After identifying these and providing public recognition of these events, ensure the stakeholders that I will do anything to help all achieve their full potential. Next, identify the issues that prevent us from reaching our full potential.

9 Case Scenario- continued
I will then begin the process of establishing a group to discuss both issues and solutions. This group will consist of students, parents and staff members. Explain to the group that we want everyone to be effective instead of efficient. “Efficiency is doing things right; Effectiveness is doing the right thing”. (De Pree.2004) After identifying issues facing our school, group separates issues & discusses possible educational solutions.

10 Issues & Solutions Issue # 1: Attendance Solution: Positive reinforcement: Students are rewarded for perfect attendance every 30 days. Names of students are entered into a drawing for gift card. Students receive the following for unexcused absences: 3-5 absences- In school Suspension Parent, Student & Principal conference required for student to return to school. 10 or More- Parent & Student referred to city court

11 Issues & Solutions continued
Issue #2: Student Punctuality Solution: Students will report to the office when late & be given tardy pass to enter class. After receiving 10 tardy passes, principal will meet with both student & parent. A plan of action will be created to reduce tardiness. If student continues to be tardy, district policy will be followed for appropriate course of action.

12 Issues & Solutions continued
Issue #3: Disciplinary Actions: Solution: Behavior violations will be assigned to 1 of 3 categories; low, medium, severe. LOW violations will be handled by teacher in classroom. Medium violations will be handled by both teacher & school counselor. Severe violations will be handled by administrator.

13 Issues & Solutions continued
Issue #4: School Violence Solution: A “School Watch” club will be formed consisting of student representatives from grades 3-5. This group will be responsible for monitoring halls & playgrounds 30 minutes before & after school with staff supervision. Parents and volunteers will be asked to encourage children to report any acts of violence they are aware of.

14 Issue #4: School Violence continued
Local businesses will be asked to donate to school “silent witness” fund. Students and community members can earn rewards for providing information about vandalism and other acts of school violence. School will maintain a culture of “school family”. This means a culture that encourages everyone to look out for each other will be encouraged.

15 Solutions will be communicated to stakeholders through school newsletter, student posters placed in the school, conferences and sharing with local news media. As these practices are implemented and bought into by all stakeholders, a common goal will finally be achieved. Our school will finally be the type of organization described by Green in Practicing the art of leadership. A problem-based approach to implementing the ISLLC standards.“An organization is a social structure that is created by individuals to support the collaborative pursuit of specified goals.”(Green, 2009)

16 References Depree, M. (2004). Leadership is an Art. New York, NY: Doubleday. Green, R. L. (2009). Practicing the art of leadership. A problem-based approach to implementing the ISLLC standards. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

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