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Final Slides Attitude Control System (ACS) – Lunar Transfer

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1 Final Slides Attitude Control System (ACS) – Lunar Transfer
Brian Erson Final Slides Attitude Control System (ACS) – Lunar Transfer

2 Environmental Pertubations contribute to trajectory offsets
Sun sensor Tells reaction wheels to make adjustments Thrusters fire to desaturate reaction wheels Star Sensors maintain inertial reference ACS aides OPS in maintaining trajectory

3 Importance of Attitude Control During Lunar Transfer
Thrust Misalignment and Environmental perturbations contribute to trajectory offsets Reaction Wheels and Thrusters provide control to OTV during Lunar Transfer

4 Final ACS Numbers 100g payload 10kg payload Large payload
Device Mass (kg) Cost ($) Power Required(W) Volume (m3) VF STC 1 (star sensor) 6.4 133,333 20.4 0.0163 VF SNS (sun sensor) 0.7 5 VF MR 4.0 10.4 76 thruster 0.36 1,500 -- propellant 0.02 100 Inert Mass 1.9 1,000 Totals 19.8 403,000 101.4 Device Mass (kg) Cost ($) Power Required(W) Volume (m3) VF STC 1 (star sensor) 6.4 133,333 20.4 0.0163 VF SNS (sun sensor) 0.7 5 VF MR 10.0 20 120 thruster 0.36 1,500 -- Propellant 1.26 100 Inert Mass 3.02 1,000 Totals 31.74 403,000 145.4 Large payload Note: Star and Sun sensors remain on Lander after separation Device Mass (kg) Cost ($) Power Required(W) Volume (m3) VF STC 1 (star sensor) 6.4 133,333 20.4 0.0163 VF SNS (sun sensor) 0.7 5 VF MR 19.6 42 280 0.0258 H202 thruster 0.36 2,500 -- H202 Propellant 10.6 100 Inert Mass 13.84 1,000 Totals 73.9 404,000 305.4 0.068 Backup

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