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Lifestage Feeding For felines

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1 Lifestage Feeding For felines

2 Feline Feeding Requirements

3 Feline Feeding Requirements
Domestic cats will eat _________ meals every 24 hours. Cats are more sensitive to ________ and ________ and will only eat what they can __________.

4 _________ main factors determine feline nutritional needs.

5 Cats have unique nutritional requirements:
Amino Acids: _____________ - needed for normal CV function, visual and reproduction function. _________________: cats require more than other species. Vitamins: ______________ found in animal tissue. Cats can not synthesize from plant precursor. __________________: cats need more thiamin and niacin. __________________________: only found in animal tissue. ________________: Cats require more protein than dogs and amino acids are used to synthesize tissue protein and manufacture enzymes.

6 Kittens Kittens are ________________ year of age
Young adult: _____________ years Mature adult: ____________ years Senior: ______________ years. Kittens will increase size ________% in the first 5 months of age.

7 Kittens Kittens require ___ times more _________ than adults.
At ________ weeks they should be on solid food and should be free fed (_________)

8 Adult ___________ cats in the age range of 1 to 10 years can be fed __________________________ diets. Dry, semi-moist and moist/wet diets are appropriate. Cats (as well as dogs) require ______ nutrients for optimal health, and these need to be provided in a relatively small amount of food.

9 Adult The current theory is that spayed and neutered cats lose some of their ___________________________ and can’t stop themselves from eating more than their energy expenditure causing them to gain excessive weight. __________ feeding instead of free choice feeding is the preferred practice to reduce the risk of excessive weight gain and obesity. Meal feeding ________________ a day is recommended (in dogs too) reducing the time between meals and to help keep them from feeling hungry.

10 Gestation and Lactation
Good nutrition is _____________________ during gestation and lactation. Gestation averages __ days. At parturition, the queen only loses ____% of the weight gained. The remaining ___% is stored to be used as an _________ source during lactation. At the time the kittens are born, the queen should be taking in ___ - ___% more calories than maintenance.

11 Lactation _______ requirements increase during lactation.
____________________ and ________________ requirements are increased and vitamins ___ and ___ are elevated in the reproduction diet.

12 SENIOR On average, cats live ___ years. It is difficult to determine when a cat is considered a senior. At the age of _____ cats may become less active. At age ______ the sense of ________ and ________ diminishes. Signs of aging include: ___________ in coat condition ____________ activity level _____________ hearing and eyesight Onset of _________ Weight loss

13 Senior Older cats are at risk for ______________, aging can impair thirst sensitivity. Dehydration can impair _____________ function and increase water loss. Providing multiple bowls of __________, or feeding ______________ food can encourage older cats to take in the water needed.

14 Senior The ability to utilize dietary ______ may be compromised.
___________ fat diets are not recommended unless the cat is prone to _____________.

15 Lifestyle Feeding. _________ do not participate in the same rigorous activities as dogs so the nutritional needs don’t vary as much as they do with dogs.

16 Lifestyle factors that effect the nutritional needs of cats:
*Activity level *Environment *Stress *Activity level *Environment *Stress *Breed *Breed Lifestyle Factors * *

17 Activity ______ cats are calm, other are high strung.
______ cats fall between couch potato and live wire.

18 Environment __________________ will increase a cats energy requirements. In hot environments, cats will increase ___________ to enhance ____________ ________________.

19 Stress Cats are __________ animals and sharing a home can be stressful. In a ___________ household, they may not get their share. Providing __________feeding stations can reduce tension between dominant cats and timid ones. Travelling, boarding, and hospitalization can also ____________ appetite.

20 Breed Breed variations are _____ pronounced than dogs.
Some do have ________ energy requirements and some are more _________. Monitor a ________.

21 Special Feeding: ______________ Most cats will experience __________. Cats swallow small amounts of hair every time they groom. It can accumulate in the stomach and that triggers a _____________ reflex.

22 Special Feeding: Trichobezoars
A diet higher in ________ will help to move the hair through the intestinal tract. ______________ (lubricant) will help to minimize the combining of fats with the undigested hair.

23 Special feeding: ___________
Cats can develop _______ problems due to hormonal disorders, or simply because they are ________ and eat too much. The only way to reduce weight is to reduce the ___________ intake and increase _________. Cats are at risk for hepatic lipidosis when losing weight. Increasing _________ and moderating ______ and ____________________ content will be beneficial.

24 Urinary Tract Health: ______________
A __________ that affects the ureters, bladder and/or urethra. The most common diagnoses is _____________________. Typically affects cats _______ yr. ______ can cause it to worsen clinical signs. Restriction of ________ is beneficial.

25 FLUTD Indoor cats have a _________ risk for FLUTD
________ yr have increased risk for urethral plugs ____ yr at risk for urolithiasis and idiopathic cystitis ________ yr highest risk for struvite formation _______ yr highest risk for calcium oxalate formation. Stones must be removed ________. Increase ________ intake. Feed a diet that promotes appropriate _______.

26 _____________ Hematuria – blood in the urine

27 ____________ The most common types seen are ______ and _________________. __________ are most likely to develop __________ stones that form in basic urine and _______ are more likely to develop _________________ stones that form in acidic urine.

28 Urethral obstruction Uroliths and plugs are not the same.
Urethral plugs are ______________ ________ of ________

29 _________________________(PU)
PU is a surgical method for alleviating urethral obstruction in cats with ______________ or _____________ obstructive feline lower urinary tract disease.  Indications for perineal urethrostomy  urethral ______________ urethral obstruction that cannot be relieved by _________________ and _______________________ urethral ________________ urethral ____________ or _____________ Likewise, perineal urethrostomy is indicated if the stricture is within the _____________ urethra.

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