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American History II NCFE Review

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1 American History II NCFE Review
Unit 3 Imperialism & WWI Abrams

2 #1 Which of the following answers BEST describes why the United States was interested in acquiring Cuba as a territory in the late 1890’s?  The U.S. wanted to gain control over Cuba’s natural resources such as coal and rubber. U.S. companies had large investments in the Cuban sugar industry. Cuba had threatened to invade Florida and the U.S. wanted to take out the Cuban threat by acquiring it. Cubans wanted to be annexed by the United States rather than be part of the Spanish colonial empire.

3 #2 Which imperialism advocate wrote Our Country: Our Possible Future and Present Crisis that said that Americans had a Christian duty to spread Christianity and western civilization to the rest of the world? Alfred T. Mahan Josiah Strong Frederick Jackson Turner Theodore Roosevelt

4 #3 Which of the following territories did the U.S. NOT get at the end of the Spanish-American War? Guam Puerto Rico Cuba Philippines

5 #4 Which of the following chain of events did NOT lead to the outbreak of WWI? Austrian Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo. Austria-Hungary invades Serbia causing Russia to declare war on Austria- Hungary Germany declares war on Russia then on France before invading Belgium Germany sinks the Lusitania causing the U.S. to declare war on Germany.

6 #5 The Allied Powers consisted of all of the following countries EXCEPT which one? Great Britain Italy (pre-1915) Russia France

7 #6 Which of the following BEST describes the ruling of Schenk v United States (1919)? Stated that the U.S. could repeal the 2nd Amendment during wartime. Stated that the government could create the Selective Service Act Stated that the government could issue liberty bonds to raise money for war. Stated that the government could limit free speech when it represented “clear and present danger” to public safety.

8 #7 The Roosevelt Corollary was seen as an extension of the Monroe Doctrine. Which of the following BEST describes the Roosevelt Corollary? Roosevelt made agreements with European nations to allow them to reclaim colonies if they were not able to pay off their debts. Roosevelt pushed for the building of a “Great White Fleet” to claim territory in Southeast Asia. The U.S. would intervene in Latin America on behalf of European nations to collect debts. It was an agreement with Japan to end school segregation in San Francisco if Japan limited emigration to the U.S.

9 #8 Which act did Congress pass during WWI that provided imprisonment for people who attempted to start rebellion in the armed forces or obstruct the draft? Jones Act Selective Service Act Sedition Act Espionage Act

10 #9 Which imperialism advocate wrote Influence of Sea Power Upon History and said that building a two ocean navy with modern warships was the key to imperialism? Alfred T. Mahan Josiah Strong Frederick Jackson Turner Theodore Roosevelt

11 #10 The Treaty of Versailles officially ended World War I after the signing of the armistice. All of the following were terms of the Treaty of Versailles EXCEPT which one?  Germany was forced to accept the War Guilt Clause taking full responsibility for the war Germany had to pay massive reparations to Britain and France. New countries like Estonia, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia were created. Germany could keep control of the Rhineland but had to give up its colonies

12 #11 President Taft’s policy of dollar diplomacy resulted in:
Restrictions on corporations A reduction in the value of money American investments in Latin America Less American influence in the Western Hemisphere

13 #12 Which of the following was NOT a motivation for American Imperialism in the early 20th Century? Desire for military strength Thirst for new markets Belief in cultural superiority Membership in European alliances

14 #13 All of the following were reasons why Republicans in the Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles allowing the U.S. to join the League of Nations EXCEPT which one? Recalling of the old Washington ideal to avoid foreign alliances. Republicans felt that the League of Nations would lead to the violation of the Monroe Doctrine. Republicans wanted to remain isolationist after the war. Republicans wanted to take over the other countries that were going to join the League of Nations.

15 #14 Who is John Pershing? Mexican rebel who led raids in U.S. territory killing 16 Americans Owner of the NY WORLD newspaper that helped create yellow journalism Filipino nationalists who revolted against the Spanish then again against the U.S General in the U.S. army and leader of the American Expeditionary Force

16 #15 Who is Joseph Pulitzer?
Mexican rebel who led raids in U.S. territory killing 16 Americans Owner of the NY WORLD newspaper that helped create yellow journalism Filipino nationalists who revolted against the Spanish then again against the U.S General in the U.S. army and leader of the American Expeditionary Force

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