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ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Safety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with.

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Presentation on theme: "ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Safety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Safety Certification of Software-intensive Systems with Reusable Components Sept 25-27, 2013 Riga CAR/CTF Integration discussion Jerome Lambourg, AdaCore Massimiliano Turco, Akhela

2 , Page 2 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Background CAR: Reads artifacts from disk (monitoring) + Model description Handles traceability, impact analysis Scriptable (python) + HTTP API CTF Gathers together all SafeCer tools Knows how to launch them Knows the format of the resulting files

3 , Page 3 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Integrating the tools CAR Needs to tell the CTF when to launch a given tool What RPC mechanism to use ? We need to have a common minimal formalism to Identify uniquely the tool(s) to launch (e.g. a common identifier string) Identify the tools inputs (use a common path description) Get back the tools output (same common path description)

4 , Page 4 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 From the CAR, proposed mechanism 3 phases to launch a tool: Setup: the data present in the CARs formalism is formatted to fit the common formalism Execution: the RPC command is sent to the CTF TearDown: the CTF answers the CAR with the common formalism. The CAR then translates to its internal formalism.

5 , Page 5 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 ARTEMIS-2010-1 JU Grant Agreement number 269265 ARTEMIS-2011-1 JU Grant Agreement number 295373 Open discussion … Other proposals ? Timeframe and steps ? Proposal to start with a simple scenario, implement the minimal amount to have this scenario demoed Then add more features as needed What simple scenario then ?

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